Brown spots on the skin

I’ve been having electrolysis for so long that I’ve honestly forgotten what my skin looked like before I started. I have my upper lip, lower lip, chin and my cheeks treated. The problem is with my cheeks. I have about 4 brown spots on my cheeks which are about twice the size of a pencil tip. I also have two marks on the top of my cheek bones which are alot bigger. Can electrolysis have left marks like this? I doubt they are pigmentation marks caused by other factors (hormonal etc) as the marks would not be small marks like this. Any input? Thanks for reading

It could just be some sun damage from years ago, or fading pigmentation from a previous scar (e.g. infected follicles after electrolysis). The type of scarring left by badly performed electrolysis is more a puckered or wrinkled look rather than discolouration (except for white patches due to overtreatment).

The following is a portion of a handout that I personally give to every perspective client prior to treatment that lists the possible complications of Electrolysis. It was published by
the Electrolysis Research Corp.
Brown Spots (Post Inflammatory Hyper Pigmentation) - Seen as a flat round dot of brownish pigmentation surrounding a previously treated follicle. Seen more in darker skinned patrons related to the stimulation of melanocytes by injury to the epidermis. Lasts weeks to months.

I hope this helps
Martha Montgomery
Puget Sound Electrology

I am wondering what form other clinics are using for their Medical Release forms. I am currently using a modified form that was used at the school that I attended, (Apilus). But since I only have the one example to go by, and am wondering what other clinics are using?

Martha Montgomery
Puget Sound Electrology

The following is a portion of a handout that I personally give to every perspective client prior to treatment that lists the possible complications of Electrolysis. It was published by
the Electrolysis Research Corp.
Brown Spots (Post Inflammatory Hyper Pigmentation) - Seen as a flat round dot of brownish pigmentation surrounding a previously treated follicle. Seen more in darker skinned patrons related to the stimulation of melanocytes by injury to the epidermis. Lasts weeks to months.

I hope this helps
Martha Montgomery
Puget Sound Electrology

I just wanted to say thank you for your replies. I’m sorry, but I wasn’t able to log on before. Martha, it does look like the brown dots have been caused by electrolysis. I’m just glad that they’ll hopefully fade!