Brazillian Question

First off I’m a male who started shaving and using hair remover about 20 years ago as a bike racer. I’ve let my legs grow out but just prefer less (or no hair) in my “private area.” This year I had my first few waxes and really liked the smooth feeling but would like it to be more permanent. This has led me to investigate laser removal. I understand about the multiple treatments but my question is this. If I do have this area cleared of hair, will it feel cooler or more sweaty and sticky?

also any recommendations in Charleston, WV?

Thanks for the info!

I haven’t tried waxing but I would say it feels “nicer” after having the hair removed permanently, compared to shaving. I am not talking about the “stubble factor” - it feels less sticky/sweaty than after a shave.

I guess it is because when you shave, you remove all of the hair on the skin surface, whereas with laser/IPL you only remove the thick hairs - the almost invisible tiny hairs are left behind, which gives you just enough hair that the skin doesn’t get sticky when it is warm.

I noticed this just a couple of weeks ago when I had prepared for my next session by shaving - it’s been almost 3 months since I last shaved, and I was a bit surprised how rather uncomfortable I felt because the skin felt more sticky.

I have no idea how much the climate in your part of the world affects this - it is probably significantly warmer in Charleston than in Copenhagen, and I would suspect that to make this more of an issue for You.


Hair actually makes you more sweaty, so the result will be the opposite. It would be the same as what you experience after waxing, only you won’t have to go in to remove the hair every month as this is permanent.

Please start by reading the FAQs at the link below. After you figure out the best laser for your skin and hair type, you can follow the suggestions in the FAQs on how to find the best clinic with that machine near you. One of those tips is to run a search here on the forum with your state or city name.

If your hair is dark and coarse, and the skin is light, you should get good results within 6-8 treatments if you do your research and find a good clinic with the best laser for you.

I agree with lagirl that it will feel the same as waxing.

Personally, I find that it “feels” sweatier and I have more chaffing.

I would like to clarify something here from both personal and other people’s experience.

  1. NO hair makes the skin MORE sweaty and ‘sticky’.
    It doesn’t matter how the hair was removed but once there is no hair and the skin in the private areas touches skin both sides start sweating due to occlusion effect.

  2. Hair facilitates having a layer of air on top of skin which allows evaporation and the skin is LESS sweaty due to it not being ‘occluded’.

If you don’t believe me then do the following simple experiment in the privacy of your own home.
Shave/wax/pluck or however else remove only one side of your private hair. Within hours you will be able to tell which side is sweatier. Once you are convinced you can ‘finish the job’ and even out both sides, unless you want to walk around like a freak with one side hairy and one side bald.

On the contrary, hair does trap odorous oil and molecules so some people rightfully recognize that when hairy there can be more smell retention and smooth skin can appear fresher as the oil/sweat/smelly substances are wiped away/removed/evaporate and dissipate away from the skin and leave you smelling less.

If you need to confirm just refer to above ‘experiment’.
Maybe this will put to rest the whole discussion, LOL.

“It doesn’t matter how the hair was removed but once there is no hair and the skin in the private areas touches skin both sides start sweating due to occlusion effect.”

Yes, this is true, but also temporary! In EVERY case of the “Brazilian,” patents noticed this effect. However, within a couple years the skin, apparently, adjusts to this new situation and all of this is no longer an issue. The body is dynamic and adjusts to all kinds of new situations. So, finally: no sweaty and no sticky … just feeling normal and perfect!

Example of this: A plastic surgery patient, unfortunately, had a large nerve “clipped” on the left side of her face (cheek area). As a consequence, the area went dumb. However, after a couple years the feeling “came back.” What happened?

The nerve on the right side of her face grew a (nerve) dendrite over to the left side of the face and started sending nerve signals. The brain was able to create full “left side feeling” even thought the actual nerve that was sending the signal was on the right side.

I had radical ankle surgery a couple years ago … the surgery severed several nerves (as expected). The feeling is now coming back. Again, nerves from the other side of the foot are making up the difference.

The sweating-reaction is also nerve controlled. Therefore this normalizes as well.