“It doesn’t matter how the hair was removed but once there is no hair and the skin in the private areas touches skin both sides start sweating due to occlusion effect.”
Yes, this is true, but also temporary! In EVERY case of the “Brazilian,” patents noticed this effect. However, within a couple years the skin, apparently, adjusts to this new situation and all of this is no longer an issue. The body is dynamic and adjusts to all kinds of new situations. So, finally: no sweaty and no sticky … just feeling normal and perfect!
Example of this: A plastic surgery patient, unfortunately, had a large nerve “clipped” on the left side of her face (cheek area). As a consequence, the area went dumb. However, after a couple years the feeling “came back.” What happened?
The nerve on the right side of her face grew a (nerve) dendrite over to the left side of the face and started sending nerve signals. The brain was able to create full “left side feeling” even thought the actual nerve that was sending the signal was on the right side.
I had radical ankle surgery a couple years ago … the surgery severed several nerves (as expected). The feeling is now coming back. Again, nerves from the other side of the foot are making up the difference.
The sweating-reaction is also nerve controlled. Therefore this normalizes as well.