Books on Electrolysis

I’ve been using the OneTouch for two weeks and it seems to be working. But the scabs I’ve gotten haven’t gone away. I have been taking care of my skin by using witchhazel and Aloe Vera. I think it’s because my lack of knowledge when it comes to angle of insertion and things of that nature. And maybe the fact that I’m starting out with the OneTouch system and my skin isn’t used to it.

Still, I want to learn the basics of electrology techniques. Can anyone recommend very good books? Something informative but not too scientific?

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I’d get the Richards or the Bono. Bono is less scientific.

Thanks Andrea. As always, your one step ahead. <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />

Does anyone here on the board own some of those books?

It’s very difficult to find them on the web and buy them (ideally they’d be used).

From what i hear, the best ones to have a re hte Bono, the Hinkel, and the Fino Gior ones.

I would LOVE it if one of you would be willing to send me their book so that i can have it copied and sent back.

PLEASE, PLEASE, PLEASE help out!.. I am very interested and excited to begin my theoretical education on the subject.

cheers! <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />

You can buy the Richards and Meharg one (which is considered the best by many) at Texas Electrolysis Supply for 50 something dollars. I made the mistake of buying at for $106 (!).

You can buy the Richards and Meharg one (which is considered the best by many) at Texas Electrolysis Supply for 50 something dollars. I made the mistake of buying at for $106 (!).

Sophie, would you mind if i make a copy of it then? I’ll pay for shipping both ways, and i can pay you somehting as well if you’d like. e-mail me at b/c the hotmail address that you have listed in your proifile is not accepting e-mails.

eve <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/wink.gif" alt="" />