Book Wanted - Hinkel Electrolysis, Thermolysis and the Blend

I’m currently taking an electrolysis course and will be writing the CPE exam in the spring. I’ve contacted my local CPE association (in Nova Scotia) and have asked them if they had any resources for me to use for studying for the exam (the reason for the question is I just spent 5 days learning the entire human body in a mid-level biology course - with 90% of it not pertaining to electrolysis…(tell me what do the lymph follicles in the small intestine have to do with electrolysis?).

Anyway, the CPE association told me to get this book & study it - that was what I would need to study for the exam (obviously, infection control/sterilization practices are not the same). I have done a quick search for this book - and it’s not easy to find. Does anyone have any leads (or one they may want to sell)?



It’s not in print anymore, you’ll have to find it used.
Here’s one possible, source:

I paid less than $149 several years ago . I had a second copy I bought off kijiji on the cheap , but an apprentise long time ago made off with that one but they do come up on occasion on marketplace or kijiji. It may be easier to just pay the $149 though.There are none currently, i checked.

I have got one extra copy but not interested to sell at this stage.

I think your mean the AEA? AEA is the US association that designates and tests for the CPE? Unless, there is another CPE designation in Canada? Could be. I mean, “CPA” used to be the “Communist Party of America” … and also “Certified Public Accountant.” So, you never quite know, do you?

If you’re taking the AEA/CPE test, just get the Study Guide (new one is in the works) … here you will find articles from many sources that are used in the exam.

One entire chapter in the AEA Study Guide had to be removed because ONE person was offended by ONE word that was used in ONE sentence in a Hinkel chapter (used in the Study Guide). This Wokie almost derailed the whole project.

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I’m in Canada, I meant CPE :relaxed: As I said, this is what they told me to study (as this is what they base the questions for the test).

If you’re not interested in parting with it, then why bother replying? :person_shrugging:

Thank you, I already checked out online sources (Amazing, Abe Books, Good Reads, eBay, etc) - that’s why I’m reaching out here.

It makes me sick that Art Hinkel’s daughter (now dead) refused to allow anyone to continue printing her father’s classic book. My books, though not of the Hinkel stature, will live on after my death … it’s already set up. When a person dies their works should live on. That daughter must have been “something else” because she also forbade me from reproducing Hinkel’s recordings … I did it anyway. If she wants to, she can sue me! Syka!


Question for the legals. Can someone who has the book copy the pages and charge a nominal fee for the effort if everybody is dead? I have two copies and I paid about $52 way back at the turn of the century.

It all depends on the willingness of the copyright owner to sue the copier. Folks have copied sections of my books for years and I never had the willingness to “go after” anybody. The key, I suppose, is charging a fee. If it’s a free give-away there is less of a problem. I suppose I could put various chapters of Art’s book on-line for free? Maybe I’ll do that. Some chapters are still valid; others are out-of-date. Gotta think about that one.

Just for fun, guess which country is most famous for totally copying other people’s books (and putting a new title on it). I’m a member of the Self-Publishers Association … you won’t believe the answer; and it’s not China! Anyone venture a guess?

I never had a chance to read Hinkel. What will a student learn from his text that you won’t learn from Bono’s modern texts or from Richards and Merharg?

honestly fenix? Damn near everything. The Hinkel text was extensive,addressing not only techniques but treatment strategies as well. I flip flopped between Hinkels and the Richards text like a madwoman when getting certified.

Art’s book, in my opinion, is the Bible of electrology. There is no way this work should be buried because one grumpy person decided to “shaft” her Daddy? I’m not having it … I have a few copies of the book and I’m getting started putting it in digital and offering it for free.

I have to destroy one book for our copy machine. This will also give me an opportunity to update the information here and there. A few chapters are very out of date … so a little fiddling will probably be okay. I think I will delete the chapter on “infection control” because the AEA has that subject covered “in spades!”


It’s all in the name of education, Mike and even a ghost from the past can’t be upset about spreading the good word from THE bible of electrolysis.

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Thanks for the encouragement … we are starting the scan tonight.

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I hope you’ll be able to complete this project because if not you, who else? Art Hinkel’s legacy and foundational contributions will live on for decades to come. I read your PDF from John Fantz and he is another gem that was discovered through your website. Does he have more writings on electrology?

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Yes, John has several writings and they can be found at TES Texas Electrology Supply. I talked with John today and he’s so happy his book is on-line. And yes, I have to get this going because time is running out.


Hi Tammy, if you still need it I might be able to help. How would you like to connect to discuss this further?

Where would I find those recordings? Thanks to Hurricane Fiona, I’m still without power & no internet, but when I get both back, I’d like to bookmark the videos to watch them :grin:

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Yes, please!

Day 4 of no power here in NS where Hurricane Fiona hit, so if I don’t respond quickly, you know why :grin: