Body Dysmorphia - excessive hair

First off, how many people here have actually tried to see a doctor/psychologist/psychiatrist about their issue with excessive body hair? I’m honestly contemplating about seeing one since my condition has gotten worse mentally. I seem to fit all the signs/symptoms of body dysmorphia.

Has anyone on here have been diagnosed with this disorder?

Please share you thoughts/experiences

BDD is definitely a concern. I think people with low self-esteem are very susceptible to developing this disorder. I for one feel I can never look good enough and I feel very uncomfortable when people stare or give me compliments. I know people are genuinely being kind, but in my mind at that second I feel like they feel bad for me as if they can see all of my flaws. It’s a very odd feeling and I wish it would just go away. Adding to my insecurities, I receive a huge blow when I try and get some hair removed to feel more comfortable in my skin and it completely backfires. I start growing hair in places I’ve never had hair and it’s just been a nightmare. Now I wear long sleeves and overdress even on HOT days like today. I think I exhibited all of the symptoms of developing this disorder and now with this occuring, I can almost gurantee it. However, life goes on and we make the best of what we have. Solutions are on the horizon, but will this make everything better if the hair were to be gone - probably not. It will fix one blemish only to create another. It’s just part of the psychological nightmare. I wish you the best of luck!

The simple fact is that noone is perfect, no matter how perfect they might seem to everyone else. Everyone has flaws and it’s impossible to reach that perfection you strive for that you think others have.

Psychiatrists do treat BDD. I think it wouldn’t be a bad idea for both of you to look into it, at least for one appt so you can understand what’s going on better and learn how to accept yourself and control it.

Ya, thanks for the responses.

It’s something that’s been building up in me over many years. I kind of half knew that something was wrong, but I still think my problem is largely cosmetic and only partly psychological. In fact, I believe BECAUSE of my cosmetic problem I have this psychological problem. I don’t know if a psychiatrist can help. It’s like telling someone who is grossly overweight that they are better off just accepting themselves rather than trying to improve anything. It just don’t make sense to me. Regardless, I think I still owe it to myself to seek professional medical help, and I’ve started to make plans for it.

Well, you really need to do both simulataneously. The problem with just treating just the cosmetic issue is that if you’re prone to it, you will find something else and will never be satisfied.

Ive thought about it. But the bottom lines is, whatever way you look at it in your mind - my/your problem is still there…The hair.

Sad fact is, it wont change how other people react to you.

Hence, for me at least, the only solution is the treatments we discuss here.

A pretty negative post, i know. But im being realstic.

This sounds just like me…people tell me I’ve not got a problem with my facial hair, I’ve even had Electrologists tell me so…but it still doesn’t stop me looking in the mirror and seeing excess hair. I’m currently starting with a psychologist who has suggest Cognative Behavior Therapy to help change the way I think. It is very deep rooted and stems from lack of self esteem.

Max, you’ve mentioned that you want your cheeks and chin treated. Those are normal areas for men to have hair (as opposed to the back for example). Can I ask why you think you have excessive hair there?

Lagirl, I’m guessing you think I’m a bloke, but Max is actually short for “Maxine”, hence the reason I think I have excessive hair on my chin and cheeks. Ok, they are not dark…but they are definately thicker, stick out and feel prickly…even though I’ve never plucked or shaved in those areas.

ahh, that makes more sense :slight_smile: electrolysis should be able to help you there. have you been tested for PCOS and other hormonal imbalances?

Just to update.

I originally had made an appointment with my family doctor in order to get a referral to go see a psychiatrist. I have since canceled that appointment. My main reason being that I just don’t have much time to go to weekly appointments with a psych. I’ve already got my hands full with electro appointments and I’m also seeking a consult in a couple of weeks for laser. Regardless, I’m still adamant about seeing a psych and it’s something that I will get around to doing eventually. I think it’s also a better idea to see how I progress following my current plan before I make a decision to go seek some mental help.

Lagirl, I had the bloods for PCO and the internal looking for cysts…all of which came back normal!

then you probably just have slightly elevated testesterone levels. elecrolysis should get rid of your problem.

My average testosterone is elevated slightly at 21 pg/ml (8-20 is normal ). Will electrolysis work even though my hormones are a bit messed up? All the info says you have to get the hormones balanced first.

Yes, of course, electrolysis will permanently remove the existing accelerated hair, but naturally, electrolysis cannot stop any NEW hair that is stimulated by androgens in the near or far future. Once a hair follicle is treated in the growing stage with proper levels of intensity and timing, it is gone for good.

The goal is to seek treatment to stop the hormone rampage so soft, vellus unnoticable hairs don’t turn into big,deep noticable hairs.

It doesn’t hurt to get started to remove whatever is bothering right now, but do get treatent to slow the hormone train down.


Thanks Dee. I’ve been taking spironolactone for a month and a half and YAZ bcp for 1 month but my naturopath who did tons of hormonal , thorough tests (even a month long saliva sample every 2-3 days of cycle)is now taking me off the birth control pill and giving me natural progesterone the last 15 days of my cycle b/c the test showed relative estrogen dominance and low progesterone the 2nd half of cycle.I hope this is as effective if not more than the birth control pill. In addition my adrenals are off the charts elevated and cortisol as well, both for which I’m taking supplements.

Just curious, since I see you are in Ohio, can you recommend an electrologist near Willoughby or Lake County Ohio? I could even go farther, like to Cleveland, if necessary. My profile says Oregon but I just arrived in Ohio and will probably stay at least 6 months and really want to get started soon.

Yep been tested…and everything came back normal. I’m actually going to see if I can obtain The Diet Cure by Julia Ross, perhaps it’s the artifical sweetners in my diet…absolutely have to try everything to help myself.

I’m not sure about the shipping costs to England, Max, but I bought the diet cure used on for $3.50 plus $6 shipping and so did a friend at the same time.

I spent a while looking for a reliable electrologist in Maine, and wanted to share. I had very comfortable (as comfortable as electrolysis can be) effective electrolysis done at TAYLOR ELECTROLYSIS & COSMETIC ACCENTS in Ellsworth, Maine. Kelley has been an RN for 27 years too, so she’s got the newest nicest most sterile office and equipment you could want!

Welcome to hairtell. Would you mind sharing your electrolysis experience with us? What area? How long it took? Healing scenario? Any impressions at all?

