Blending yourself with Sterex SB

I was browsing through the sterex manual ( and was a bit confused that “Technique 1” is not called the Blend Technique (even though I though that it actually refers to the Blend method).
Also when treating myself, do I still need to hold the indifferent electrode and how should I handle this if I actually have the needle and tweezers in my hands -i.e. should i squeeze electrode under the back of knee?

I think you should take a step back and try not to perform blend because it seems like you have little to no experience with the two modalities individually. Blend is a bit more complicated in that it takes the operator to be more aware of what they are doing and occasionally blend MUST be performed using two pedals unless you have an auto sensor on the Galvanic side.

Anyway bottom line is get familiar with thermolysis and galvanic individually before performing blend :).

and yes when performing galvanic/blend i find the best spot to position it at is tucked away underneath the back of the knee cap.

you can place it anywhere on your body as long as you make contact with it tuck it down your sock or sellotape it to your leg check out the DIY forum