Hi there, I’ve posted a few times previously regarding some skin reactions to thermolysis (thank you all for your help on these ). I’ve now switched to blend on my upper lip and was wondering if I could ask a few questions about this modality to understand it a bit more?
I read on this forum that it can take a year or so for swelling/skin reaction to finish from electrolysis and I was wondering if anyone could talk me through what happens when blend is administered? For example I know it’s a chemical reaction, how long does this go on for? How many months/years until it is finished? I have seen some of Michael Bono’s videos which were hugely informative, just seeking to understand the blend modality in as much detail as I can.
If I may as well, what are the potential skin risks that would occur with blend as opposed to other modalities and when might these show up?
Many thanks for any information you can provide!