I am getting “Brazilian” electrolysis to clean up laser treatments in the same area (I wait a week between treatments). I have a new electrologist and the past couple of treatments there has been a fair amount of bleeding afterwards. I’ve had electrolysis in the past and never had bleeding. She also has to pull very hard to get the hairs out – shouldn’t they slide out pretty easily once they’ve been zapped? Appreciate some perspective from the pros on this site if I should change electrologists. thank you!
My advice is to find another electrologist. Everything you have described should NOT happen during an electrolysis treatment.
Your electrologist is missing the target. Her/his insertions are off, thus causing the pulling and bleeding. They are making new holes in the skin and are not inserting accurately into the natural opening of hair follicle tunnel where the energy should go.
Not good.
I’m wondering if they can see well, but mostly, I wondering if they have attended a training program?