It’s like Nietzsche’s reality or Steven Hawking’s cosmic Black Hole. And, we witnessed it yet again.
An overly-enthusiastic uber-questioning client bombs Hairtell and offers-up reams and reams of posts and counter-posts; all with the stated intention of “uplifting the entire profession.”
And then, like a swamp-gas poltergeist, the whole enterprise evaporates never to be seen again. Poof! Nothing got uplifted, and not a scintilla of credible/verifiable information emerged. Until, of course, the same exchange shows its “hairy face” a few months later.
The only way to win this game is not to play at all. And yet, like some malevolent addiction … we do play; and are drawn to it like moths to a flame. Right now, we need to start-up the whole permanent hyperpigmentation conversation again. I miss it!