bit worried is this pitting?

this is a link to flickr (first 3 pics)

is this permanent scarring? Im a bit worried about this now. It is about 1 week after treatment.


No,don’t worry.

Although i would spontaneously say, the scarf dots are a bit larger than average - this will heal perfectly.

As Your Electrologist will hopefully have explained , Electrolyis will destroy a tiny bit of tissue around the hair - the regions where the stem cells of the hairs are located. That means there is a wound below the skin. What You obseve is the normal healing process of such a wound.

Ok I haven’t picked at them or anything. However, when i run my fingers over them the scabs feel ever so slightly raised above the skin but some look like craters which is what has made me anxious. My practitioner has done my shoulders with no issues like this. I did think last week when she started on my arms it seemed more painful so thinking back i thought were the settings too high or my arms more sensitive maybe. Okay thank you i feel better it in any case

If the shoulders are better, rethinking the positioning will help. If it is difficult to reach an area, side effects are often larger. And that’s a field where a client can easily help the practitioner to his oder her own profit.