Birth Control

I have not been on here in a while, as I made the decision to stop getting electrolysis after 3 years with no success. I sought advice repeatedly on here, from my electrologists, from other patients, from my doctor, etc. I got my bloodwork done and tested and all signs point to normal. I went to recommended and certified electrologists within given time frames. I did the research, found out about methods, machines, etc. Tried different methods (blend, thermolysis). I did all that was told to me, and 3 years later, nothing has improved. This entire process has been utterly frustrating, disheartening, expensive, painful and a waste of time. No one has answers for me why it isn’t working. I tear up just thinking about it.

At any rate, I just moved and got a new doctor. She suggested that I go on birth control as this can have positive results when it comes to controlling hair growth. Has anyone else heard this?

I read through your previous posts, and it sounded like you had some success (your chin and upper lip were much better) but not what you thought was going to happen. At one point you also mentioned that you were seeing new growth on the center chest after having had the breast area treated - and that is indicative to hormonal hair growth. Just because your hormone levels are normal, doesn’t mean that your body won’t grow more hair - as some women have a sensitivity to their normal circulating hormones.

I have heard of many people who have experienced less hair growth by taking birth control. It is definitely worth a try.

If your hair growth is dark and coarse, spironolactone is worth a shot, I amonly left with blonde hair now - still millions… but at least it blonde… also hair from nipples, lower tummy gone… you need to talk to DR about it though and cant take if you want to get pregnant… I am tying the ultrasound hair removal at moment , called applisonix selectif pro… your story is very similar to me (no joy from electrolysis even after 8 years of doing it)…