bikini wax reaction

hi there - i just gave a client her first bikini wax in about 10 years. there didn’t seem to be a reaction until the very end … the bumps that generally appear DID appear but then they grew and grew. i rubbed the skin a bit more and that seemed to soothe the bumps. she didn’t complain of any sensitivites but i’m concerned that she is having a reaction to the wax. any ideas?

If the welts were big and blotchy it might be a wax reaction, but if they were small and numerous, it’s probably a reaction to the hairs being pulled out. For clients like that, it can help to use an astringent before and after waxing, and an aloe gel with no menthol or any of that. Instruct the client to use Tend Skin or other beta-hydroxy solutions to keep the red bumnps from turning into white pustules.