Best setting for lightsheer on type II skin

I’m not convinced tbh. Some of the stubble hairs are starting to grow now like normal hairs. The rest have probably grown out a tiny bit in general. They couldn’t be called pepper spots anyway because they are longer than just a spot. They look like a day or twos growth after shaving. Whereas the spots are indeed spots, and come out without resistance when squeezed out.

I will be quite surprised if the ‘stubble’ suddenly starts shedding after 4 weeks but will wait and see i guess. They seem to be hairs that were stunned, but not effectively disabled.

Have you tried using a scrubbing technique with an exfoliating loofa and cream?

I have exfoliated with an exfoliating glove and some st ives apricot scrub. Not often though because I figured tendskin is a pretty aggressive exfoliater anyway

Okay, then they may just be extremely slow-growing hair that will be killed and burned off at the next session. Still nothing worth damaging your skin over by picking at.

No matter what they are, I suggest you leave them be until they get longer or fall out. That’s just what I would do anyway.

:slight_smile: Hopefully it resolves itself soon and you get the results you’ve wanted.

My back and shoulders seemed to have a lot better results than the front. Hard to see but most hairs seem to be gone there. I could handle 40J there without cream so I guess that is the reason.

Hurts way more on the front (especially chest) but will try to get it up to 35-40J next time and hopefully see some better results.

OK so got pretty seriously burnt today by the laser.

Settings were 35J on chest then 38J on stomach (auto). Blistering all over my front and hurting a lot. I don’t really understand how this has happened because I am very white and my hair is just medium coarseness and was closely shaved. It is like the machine malfunctioned or something. Don’t understand it all.

I had 45J on shoulders and back yesterday with no issues at all. First session on chest and stomach was 30J with no ill effects (and not much shedding either)

Just hope there is no scarring. Dunno what I will do with the rest of my treatments - I’d rather be hairy than have 3rd degree burns all over my body tbh.

Will take some photos shortly

Did you expose the area to the sun at any point recently?

If you think it was a malfunction, you should talk to them about it.

Treat it like a sunburn. Apply aloe vera gel (clear stuff) and keep the area dry and clean. It will resolve itself.

No haven’t seen any sun recently.

Only area that has had any sun at all is shoulders and I had no reaction there at 45joules. Don’t know what to think tbh.

I attached photos. What do you think?

edit: guess the file upload doesn’t work. Photos are here

File manager doesn’t work. You have to upload them (try photobucket or flickr or imageshack) and then link us.

I got a small burn recently too (she doubled back over an area that had already been treated at high settings a minute earlier), and I was pretty worried and uncomfortable, but it healed in a little under a week. Hopefully your burns will go away quickly and leave no scars.

ok linked the photos above. You can see the top few layers of skin are burnt right off in a lot of areas.

I have a feeling she was doubling over areas so maybe this was the issue?

I see you got the pics working. Ouchie. Well, um, on the bright side, at least you can tell what areas they missed? Hehe :stuck_out_tongue:

There are a few spots that look bad, but most of the redness looks like the sort that will fade (I’ve seen non-burned people get slight pink spots like that immediately after treatment). Definitely talk to the clinic.

Explore John Smith

that is a better close up.

Just dont understand it. I mean 35J on a 9mm handpiece shouldn’t be that strong? Dunno how I can get destroyed like that?

I don’t think she missed any areas either. It just seems like some were hammered and others weren’t.

The weird thing is it’s like it wasn’t targeting the hairs - last time the stubble generally got fried back. This time the laser just went straight after my skin. Must be something wrong with the machine? Just unreal this

It was obvious straight after the treatment I was burnt because there were white blisters coming up everywhere. They had a doctor there who gave me antibiotics and stuff.

She said it wouldn’t scar and I hope not.

Not sure how to proceed in talking to the clinic and further treatments. I paid for a package of 8 and this was only my 2nd. My first treatment was about 30J but pretty ineffectual.

Yeah, it’s pretty gruesome near your belly button I noticed. It’s weird, I’ve got no clue what happened.

This is a long shot, but: I notice some sub-surface bruising beneath the burns. Did the laser cause those or were those there BEFORE the treatment at all? Maybe the laser targeted your bruises or something? Or maybe she accidentally double-treated those spots like what happened to me?

Edit: If they admit they burned you and gave you antibiotics, then at least they’re taking responsibility. What did they say about future treatments? Did they offer to refund your money?

Clinic just said it was too powerful for me.

There wasn’t any bruising there beforehand.

I have a feeling she was double treating areas and not accidentally. Probably didn’t know what the hell she was doing. This is the only thing I can think of. Either that of the machine is screwed.

edit: Yeah well it’s not like they can deny burning me seeing as the proof is all over my body. In saying that I was the one that said put it up to 35J-38J (should be safe right seeing as my back was done on 45J with no issue)

It was quite a big drama and they had everyone in there with like cooling guns etc. Gave me steroid and all sorts as well. So they certainly know what’s happened. They said to go back in tomorrow so I might do that

Didnt ask about future treatments. Just wanted to go straight home tbh.

Is there any other clinics you can go to? LightSheer seems to ghetto to me. If I was going for a diode I’d do Soprano XL before LightSheer. The gliding motion just seems to be asking for trouble. Your skin should be able to handle an alexandrite, did you search to see if there is a GentleLASE or Apogee Elite near you? Sorry if you mentioned that, I’m at work so didn’t have a chance to read through all the posts here. It doesn’t look too too bad though, the rendess can be a bit normal for a day or so after treatment. Usually a burn is more brown, the skin colour actually changes. The fact they gave antibiotics though is definitely not good. My tech always tells me if I get home and find it seems burned to call her ASAP and to come back to be treated with first aid!

There are no alexandrites in thailand that i can find. There is a soprano somewhere but I went with lightsheer as that generally has the 2nd best rep after the alexandrites from what I have read.

I mean if my skin can handle alex it should be able to handle lightsheer right?

I think it’s pretty bad. It’s hard to see in the photos but those red spots are mainly where the laser has burned right through the top layers of skin. Some are seeping fluid.

Explore John Smith

I’ve had the red spots before which is fine, but this has actually burnt right through about 20 layers of skin. It’s a mess tbh.

The baffling thing about all this is how my shoulders which are slightly darker can handle 45J the day before with no issue at all (barely any red spots at all even)

The funny thing was while I was getting treated for my 5th degree burns they quickly trundled the lightsheer machine out of the room.

Whether that was to get the POS machine on the market as quickly as possible or to get to work burning some other poor soul I’ll never know…

Your skin is not super pale, so those settings are pretty high. If you continue here, stick with 30J or so. Anything above 25J should be effective.

Yes, burns usually resolve themselves. It just takes a little while like any burn.

I think the doubling up on certain areas was the culprit since you can clearly see spots here and there that were burned and not the entire area that was treated.

Maybe they didn’t use auto setting for pulse width on your shoulders? Was the same tech treating you last time and this time?

Shoulders were done on auto at 45J and they are the only place that has any colour at all imo. So for them to have no reaction and the front to have such an adverse reaction is baffling.

Honestly I don’t think skin gets too much whiter than mine. It hasn’t seen any sun for quite some time. 35J is pretty standard on lightsheer. I have seen studies with photos of guys and gals WAY darker than me getting done on 40Jauto or so with good results.

The doubling likely had some effect but 1) I know she doubled up on my back at one point with no ill effect and 2) She didn’t double up enough on my front to account for all the burns.

Did 30J last time on front the first time and didn’t experience much shedding. maybe a slight reduction. Problem is I don’t have much faith in this machine now - would be scared to even bust out 30J on it and what’s the point if results aren’t gonna be semi-permanent (99% sure they wont be on 30J from first results)

Dunno tbh