best healing/hyperpigmentation lightening creams

for after electrolysys?

Heal your skin internally, instead of slathering chemicals on your skin. If you want to put something on your skin topically, try mixing up some vitamin C powder with vitamin E oil, and for the most effective sun screen known to man, some PABA (Para-Amino-Benzoic-Acid) It works with your skin, and helps it to make its own melanin. If Michael Jackson had this, he would have stayed dark.

But to answer your question, look for things with Licorice and Kojic Acid at the main ingredients. If you could use just those two things, you would have the best thing on the cosmetic rack.

ok, and this wont damage my skin in the long term/ affect the healing process?

These are the most natural things to use for this purpose. After that, you are going into hydroquinone and other prescription and for that matter, non-prescription potions that will lighten your skin, but will also have potential side effects.