Begun IPL on bikini - How to encourage shedding

Hi all,

I’ve started IPL treatments on my bikini line. The salon had good reviews and seems reputable. They are RQIA approved and the machine is quantum, the spa itself offers mainly medical procedures and treatments like this so I thought they were a good choice but, while friendly, the girl doing my treatment didn’t seem very knowledgable.
She did not make me fill in any form, ask about my skin etc. but I know that I am a good candidate as I am very, very pale (Irish) with black hair. But it is the aftercare I have so many questions on.

She told me to shave as many times as I wanted to between appointments but I have heard that you should shave just once between appointments and that you should do this right before your next IPL session?
My first treatment will have been two weeks ago on Thursday. I haven’t touched the area since it was treated but have been exfoliating mildly to try and encourage hairs to fall out. However, I worried that they weren’t shedding enoughas it just looked like normal razor regrowth so I pulled on a few to slide them out. Is this bad though? I don’t want to interfere! Or is it worse to not have them come out at all? The majority of hairs slid out very easily so I was not really pulling or putting any strength into it to irritate the skin.I just can’t tell if this helps or hinders!

I would like to shave the area again now but should I wait another 4 weeks until my next appointment?

Many thanks,
any advice would be greatly appreciated

What ive learned is to wait at least 3 weeks for shedding to happen on its own is best. Some seem to have it happen at 10 days . I prefer not to shave if it isnt nessesary so you can accurately judge shedding and missed spots etc. i admit that by two weeks i went at it with tweesers and just took hairs that slid out easily. Another user uses duct tape to see what comes out without any ripping. That didnt work for me. This lhr requires LOTS of patience. Hair removal is a long road.