I am wondering if anyone is interested on this site, the professional electrologists that have helped so many, would they be willing to offer their services free of charge to clear the areas that I’m struggling with. I know many people out there are suffering from excess hair. But I am so tired of spending thousands of dollars that I don’t have (I’m a student) trying to make it and trying to save as much as I can. But with the constant worry of my hair removal I can’t even live my life. I find myself covering up in the summer time, trying to wax every 3 weeks, because the hair is so dark!! My hair is really fine, but its all over and dark. All I want is a clearance on these areas, then I would be willing t pay for maintenance in my area. I know this is a long shot, but I’m hoping that someone out there will help. I will pay my travel expenses, hoping its not Europe that I would need to come to (would never be able to afford that). But all I want is to rid this hair.
I’m in a wedding party next year, and how will I wear a dress =( I can’t wax all year, it causes ingrowns and little bumps (my skin is sensitive to wax). I want to be able to enjoy my life, I’m so young now, I feel like this hair is such a curse. Its affecting my school, my health (anxiety, depression) and my overall happiness.
Please from the bottom of my heart, I’m asking from one human being to another, please help me.