I’ve been having my legs and bikini area professionally waxed for about 15 years. I usually get red spots all over the treated areas afterwards. In the last several months, however, my legs and bikini get really really red, the skin feels all inflamed and quite hot to the touch. Sometimes it even hurts. I usually have to wear pants the following day because it takes about a day and a half till everything is back to normal. I tried aloe vera gel and it did nothing.
I’ve been trying to figure out what going on. Am I suddenly becoming more sensitive to waxing?? Could it have to do with the weather? Or could it be the wax? I’ve been going to a cheaper salon for the last year. At every visit they were always asking me if I wanted Regular wax or the more expensive Sensitive wax. Because I’ve always only ever used regular, that’s what I got. But after this problem started, I tried the sensitive wax on the bikini the last two times and I didn’t get the red bumps problem in that area. I am reluctant to use the sensitive wax on the legs because of the cost. Could there be something wrong with their Regular wax that gives me red bumps?
Would sugaring give me less irritation?
Thanks so much for your help,