Because I'm tired and can't sleep.

I’ve been lurking around here for most of the night and I figured I’d post a little something since it can’t hurt. So yeah, I’m new around here. :slight_smile:

I’m a 27 year old female. My main struggles are my facial hair, which is mostly concentrated on my chin, upper lip and a little on my neck just below the chin. I honestly can’t even remember when I first noticed it to the point where I became self-conscious about it. When I think back, I know it’s at least been since I was around 20-21, possibly earlier.

I’ve always had a lot more hair in general than most people I know, and I’m extremely pale with dark hair. I’d have to shave my legs everyday to keep them smooth, and I do shave my facial hair everyday, sometimes twice a day depending on if I’m going out or will be seeing anyone. I’ve been shaving my arms for years. I have random hairs on my shoulders and chest, some hair on my back, and my lower stomach which also bothers me, but not nearly as much as they are easily controlled and hidden. My back hair used to really bother me a lot, and I would go to great lengths with hair removers and shaving to get rid of it, and eventually I accepted it, and generally don’t think much about it these days. My shoulders can be easily fixed with a quick swipe of the razor. But it’s that dang facial hair that always gets me.

I’ve never really talked to anyone about it before. My ex-boyfriend was aware of the facial hair, and never really cared. I actually always thought I did a good job of removing it where he wouldn’t notice, but he’s quite perceptive. But even though he knew, the only talk we ever had about it was when he mentioned it in passing once, and I made a comment that I was surprised he knew, and he said he did after a few days of knowing me and just didn’t care. I really don’t even know how it ever came up in the first place.

So these days it’s been getting to me more often. I guess it’s because I’m getting older and tired of the same routine everyday and the self-consciousness that comes with it. I have been researching electrolysis in my area and just trying to figure out how in the world I would ever be able to afford any of it. I think the stress of not having the money that I would like to actually fix the problem is giving me more grief than the actual problem.

I try not to let it all get to me, but sometimes I just don’t have the energy. I’m just very thankful that places like this are around for support and all the wonderful information that is provided. I’ve been thinking of keeping a diary of sorts about my feelings, because that generally helps me with other problems. Whenever I get down from thinking about my situation, I try to focus more on the positive things about myself. I genuinely feel for everyone else in my current situation and I praise you all for being strong enough to get through it however you may manage to do so.


Notice that your boyfriend knew about it early on, and it did not cause him to run away screaming like a cartoon character.

Be of good cheer, you are in Chicago. It is very easy to find good work where you live. Other people are not so lucky.


Yes, fortunately, I did not have any traumatizing situation with the ex. He is overall a pretty laid back and understanding person, which helped a great deal. I really haven’t had any other long term relationships that reached the level he and I were at where the topic even came up, so I’m honestly not sure if anyone else has noticed or cared. Not all people would be open enough to tell you about it.

I’m glad I live where I do and have access to the people I need. Having the funds for it is the hardest part, as my current situation doesn’t leave much option for a savings fund.

If you read through the posts on this forum, you’ll find that most women are apprehensive about their significant others finding out and hide it, but then figure out that they knew all along and just didn’t care. If someone cares about you, some hair is not going to put them off, most of the time at least.

Now, in terms of your situation…You need electrolysis for your face. It doesn’t actually sound like an enormous problem given that there are women here with full beards due to PCOS. You can take care of it pretty easily with a good electrologist and you live in an area where you have plenty of options. Also, many take credit cards, so that’s an option as well. Electrolysis costs around $60-70 per hour and removes abotu 5-10 hairs per minute. You’ll need treatments over the course of a year or so. So it’s pretty spread out and you’ll be spending maybe $100-200 per month for a year or so, depending on how much hair you have. If you can find a side job to cover this, it shouldn’t be that difficult to earn that. But like I said, using a credit card is also an option.

For your legs or any other areas with dense coarse hair, laser is the best option. Half legs cost around $250-350 per treatment and you need treatments only once every 3 months for 6-8 treatments total (even 3 treatments will make a huge difference though). So that’s also usually doable since treatments are so spread out. Most laser clinics take credit cards as well or offer financing.

So there are solutions to your problem. I guess you need to decide how important it is for you to figure how to best do this and make the committment.

If you have health insurance, I would recommend seeing a good endocrinologist who specializes in PCOS to make sure you don’t have any underlying hormonal conditions causing your body to develop the hair. This is especially important for treatments so you can get a handle on NEW growth while you get rid of what’s currently there.