Bearded-Mom story on yahoo news

"She says that it began growing in soon after the birth of her son, when she was about 21 years old. Ten years later, it was so thick that she would have a full beard if she didn’t tweeze each hair out every morning. It would take her hours to get ready to leave the house, she was so obsessed with pulling out every hair.
“My chin got really red and inflamed from all the plucking, and some of the hairs were ingrown, so it always looked like I’d fallen on my chin,” she told ITV’s “This Morning.” “But when people asked what had happened and I told them they couldn’t believe it.”

She tried electrolysis three times, “but it just grew back,” she confided on the morning talk show. She worried that shaving or waxing would just cause the hair to grow in thicker and darker. She talked to her doctors, who ruled out serious medical problems and reassured her that “it happened to lots of other women, so I shouldn’t worry,” she remembered. “But they didn’t really give me a reason.”

Nearly five years ago, she decided to stop plucking and just let the hair grow."

full story and pic in link

I don’t know what to say. What mental strength one has to have to be content with such a problem especially for a woman! I believe that if she could get successful treatments, she would choose being hair free over living with a goatee.

Wow! What strength… :slight_smile:

Interestingly, both Elizabeth Taylor and Marilyn Monroe were said to have excessive facial hair. I did a search on the internet and could not find any photos of them with hair (duh!). Would anyone have any photos showing their facial hair, perhaps, from old magazines or some such? It would be such an inspiration to see two icons of beauty struggling like the rest of us…

The most famous, with photo documentation, is Rita Hayworth.

It would be VERY hard to get a picture of MM that showed off her type of “hairy”, because what she had was a downy fuzz of longish clear hairs all over her face.

It is much more easy to find a black and white candid pic that shows off her type of facial hair than color pictures, but I found one. Interestingly enough, it was a color picture designed to be distributed in larger than life portrait form. I think the light hitting her cheeks from the right side of this picture shows this hair off quite well.

As a historical note, John F. Kennedy met Marylin BEFORE he met Jaquelin, and it is said that it was only his political aspirations that kept him from marrying Monroe in the first place. I guess he did not find her facial hair to be a deal breaker, as he kept coming back to her at different times in their lives, and famously, even after he was president.

Elizabeth Taylor, on the other hand, had a little of both the Monroe Downy Fur, and the more traditional upper lip hair, and stray terminal hairs on the chin and so on. I have found these to show a little of what she considered to be her hair problem.

a little hint of upper lip hair in this candid pic.

Note the stray chin hairs peeking out from her make-up

See the same long hairs all down and along the jawline.

Not circus bearded ladies by any stretch, but I am sure they both agonized over this stuff, even as they were torching up the fantasies of people all over the world.

A joke from the time period went, “I wonder who Elizabeth Taylor and Richard Burton fantasize about being with?”
(ok, people from the period know I cleaned up that quote a whole lot… it may have lost all recognition and humor in the process)