Beard removal type II or III skin... expectations?

In 2004 I had a clinic laser my beard with the hope that I wouldn’t have to worry about shaving any more. It seemed to work fine around the neck and the sides of my face. But the goatie area is still thick as.

I think I must have had a good 20 treatments on it. I can’t remember the exact lasers but it was a mix of IPL and another one.

I was getting treatments once a fortnight and after about 10 sessions she was getting me to wax in between. She said that’s ultimately what i’d have to end up doing for the hairs that it didn’t kill. But there was no way i could let enough hair to build up in order to wax it and still go to work looking professional ???

As soon as I stopped doing the waxing about 80% of the hair was still there anyway.

Has laser hair removal improved since then ? does about 20% loss sound realistic in that area ? I really hate shaving and i look so dark in the bear area if I don’t have a close shave or take a day off shaving :frowning:

I’ve got dark brown hair.

Any help much appreciated.

As has been stated previously, there is only so much one can expect from L.A.S.E.R. and for some people, and some situations, that will be more or less than other combinations. At what ever point you reach the diminishing returns with light based methods, if one wants to finish the job and go bare, electrolysis is all one has left. Have you searched for good electrolysis treatments in your area?

The beard is the most difficult area to attempt to clear out, but that is what I do all the time utilizing electrolysis on male beards.

I have dense coarse facial hairs (26, male, skin type IV). I would like to know if LASER can decrease the hair-density, or make my beard hairs softer?? how many treatments will be required? I am not looking for 100% hair removal. Just reducing shadow! I got one IPL already. No shedding yet (12 days).

My beard grows back in the evening, even after a close shave in the morning! I hate it. And I can’t shave next day bcoz it gives me a lot of cuts. What are my options?

I don’t want to just keep trying different lasers, if there is no trusted option!

You will guaranteed get results with an alexandrite laser. IPL is not good at all especially on the face. I originally started with IPL on my abdomen and when I asked about face was told by the clinic not to do it, and that it is really easy for IPL to burn you since the hair is so dense it’s hard to target only hairs and not the skin.

After 12 days if you haven’t started shedding yet then I’d say your session was a waste of money. When I did do IPL on my abdomen, it would shed actually faster than GentleLASE, but give it a few more days. I’d strongly suggest waiting a bit longer, then when the hair has either a) not shed at all or b) shed and then come back, go to an alexandrite clinic and do a test patch and see what happens and how you react. I would STRONGLY suggest a test patch though as skin type IV is pushin git for alex, you may need to look at a yag instead since alex is really strong.

Thanks for that… I was hoping you’d say 20% meant that they must have done something wrong or that laser technology had gotten better in the last 5 years :frowning:

How much work is going to be involved in getting my whole goatie electrolysised?

Don’t wax your face if you want permanent removal. It can cause distorted follicles and increased hair thickeness and make the hair more difficult and painful to remove :frowning: I learned the hard way.

Getting the goatee area cleared is totally doable, but is a commitment.

You will get your first clearance on the goatee area, and then your electrologist will give you a regular schedule to come in, usually so many weeks in between. You will continue this at minimum until all of the hair on the area has had a change to appear once (9-14 or so, it varies area to area, person to person.)

The treatment time varies for everyone, but for a very rough idea, I am a pretty bad case, and took me about 5 hours for a first clearance on the goatee area. A subsequent clearing 6 weeks later took about 4.25 hours, another 6 weeks later about 3.25. The treatment time will continue to decrease as time goes by with each appointment, until at least all of the hairs appear and are successfully treated.


To the original poster.

As someone who started with laser and had to finish with electrolysis I know for a certainty that electrolysis works.

You tried the laser. It helped somewhat but if you want to go
any further you will need electrolysis.

Don’t waste any more money on laser at this point.

Truthfully after laser I was disillusioned and desparate.
Electrolysis was a godsend to me. It got rid of my facial hair
permanently and to the point of my now having clear, soft and
smooth skin. I don’t have to shave or pluck anything.


And may I add that Alicia is not in the minority. Well-performed electrolysis works and it is a life changer for the untold many. So neat to see a human being’s emotional state turn around for the better. Hair is a powerful force.

People, I have a problem!

I got my first IPL on beard on Oct 22nd, I didn’t get any results until Nov 5th (~16 days). I called my laser clinic and they asked me to come in again. They performed the laser on the beard-area again.

Now the problem is: I got pimples all over my face with ingrowns and it is getting worst everyday… Its just been 3 days, but it looks bad. Does any one have any experience on it?!

How much time will it take to recover? I hate my beard…

I am skin type IV… tough course beard!

My skin has become like leather… after the 2nd IPL. Any suggestions?

Stop the IPL :slight_smile:

Can you submit some quality pictures, please?


I didn’t click any pic before the treatment.Moreover I am out in the field for next 3 days.In case I get a good shot of these whiteheads, I’ll post a pic for sure!


I think in general IPL is better for skin treatments on the face vs hair removal. On other body parts it’s not as bad. I did 4 sessions on my abdomen and my results are really good, I have probably an 80% reduction after just those 4 sessions, and the hair that is there now is thin and fine, all the coarse stuff is gone. My last session was probably 3 or 4 months ago so I can judge its effectiveness fairly well. I’d still stick to a true laser though, I stopped IPL when I learned what I was having done wasn’t a real laser.

  • Irritation after laser or IPL treamtents on a coarse beard is not uncommon. They should have known this and explained it to you. It goes away within a week or two. Use aloe vera and ice the area.

  • Waxing is a huge no-no during any type of permanent hair removal treamtents, laser or electrolysis. So it doesn’t sound like the original poster had good treatments in the first place. He doesn’t even mention laser name, settings, skin type, shedding, or anything else that would point to good treatments. So I don’t understand how anyone is judging laser in general here. To the original poster : You didn’t get good treatments. I can’t tell you whether lasers have improved from what you had since I don’t know what you were treated with. But I CAN tell you that there are better clinics and better lasers out there now and were when you were treated as well. It’s all about doing proper research before you get into ANY treatment. And have correct expectations. With GOOD 8-10 treatments, you can get to a point where there is no shadow, but you will still have to shave.

Thanks edokid, Dee and LAgirl. You guys are doing a great Job!

Here is some information regarding my treatment.

I got 2 treatments on FACE @31joules at 100 m/sec. with Palomar Star500 and LuxR Handpiece. Does that make sense? Is it fine for beard area. Should I continue or change?

I am Skin Type IV/V, dark course hairs+ingrowns.

I am targeting facial hair reduction, and shadow reduction.

After 1 treatment => Not all the hairs were gone. But there was like 60-70% reduction! Kinda in patches (looks bad though).

It is damn painful. And I get white heads/crusting/scab after the treatment (lasts a week time).

1st Treatment = Nov 5, 2009
2nd Treatment = Dec 8, 2009

Thank you very much.

I’ve done only 1 on my face with GentleLASE I agree it’s damn painful lol. I’m doing another session next week but with apogee elite. I’m patchy as well, girl at my first place sucked. Luckily all my friends know I’m into laser so they don’t really care, but if I let it grow for a day I look super patchy. My new place is half the price as the last though so even if I do a few extra sessions to make up for it it’s not a huge deal.

This is an IPL, not a true laser. For your skin type, you need a Yag laser like GentleYAG or Coolglide. You won’t experience those side effects with proper treatments on these lasers that are made for use on your skin type. The problem with using an IPL or a wrong laser type on your skin type is that they either have to use lower ineffective settings or they can use decent settings and cause burns and pigmentation. That’s why Yag lasers were created in the first place.

I have an issue with GentleLase settings. Was wondering what’s more effective for beard area. The 15mm spot size or the 18mm?! The technician mentioned something like the 18mm would go ‘deeper’ or something?! Technician used 18mm with 16j for a test patch and the tested area got a little red but other than that it was fine! Also wondering if the setting could be increased to 18j or would that be too high for a skin type II with dark hair? Just thought the higher the setting the more effective! Technician advised not to go higher than 16j for the first session but I rather have 8 or 9 sessions with the same high setting than 3 with low setting, another 3 with medium and then some 6 or so treatments on high setting.
Hope that makes some sort of sense :wink:
Thanks for any advice in advance…