be proud of your hairy arms-check this out

i found this very interesting website: You can preview the gallery without paying. There’s no nudity or anything inappropriate. Just a gallery of beautiful hairy arms. Don’t be embarrased about those hairy arms…they’re beautiful! =)

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Hi Dancers79

Hair can be beutifull as well. Most of us here choose to get rid of it though. Consider smooth skin, just as a suggestion. You may like it better.

Best Regards


In general the arm hair on women is finer than that for men and not as obvious. There are some women with a lot more body hair than the average woman.

However if a woman had dark arm hair which is coarser than average, people will rightly or wrongly notice it.
Some people can be quite cruel towards people in that situation even if it is behind their backs.

The problem has a lot to do with society and people who are petty and shallow.


Hi Stuart,

I actually have tried smooth skin with waxing. Once you try to remove hair, they can never come back looking as natural as they first were. I would rather have had my naturally hairy arms that I had before. Sure, some people may look at it, but more people probably notice the uneven,prickly staight unnatural hair growth that returns after waxing as well as the increased amount of hairs and skin scars I have now. I would’ve been much happier with my hairy forearms, and light fuzz on upper arms than the constant hassle of waxing my arms now and the more stares I get now when i haven’t waxed in a long while. Unfortunately, waxed hair on me grows longer and faster, and I can never go back to not waxing now, because it would look much worse.

I just wanted to encourage people to appreciate their naturally hairy arms before they make the decision for hair removal as you are then stuck with it for the rest of your life.

I also thought it would be nice to have support for those people who are hairy and don’t want to do hair removal, and motivate people to be proud of themselves. If you want to help change society’s views, you have to start somewhere. Unfortunately, people are much less supportive and open minded of that idea then I was hoping they would be.

So, yea, I actually like naturally hairy skin better. Smooth skin comes with too many consequences.

Hi Dancers79:

I appreciate what you are saying and applaud you for it.
I have had to swim against the current of public opinion to some extent and know how hard that can be. Society is full of conformists who live there life for others, rather than for themselves.

There was a movie a few years ago in which Selma Hayek
had a unibrow, and people were up in arms about it.

The most important thing in life is to be true to yourself. You may not motivate everyone, but you will probably motivate some. At least you can be proud of yourself though, and that is the most important factor.
It is what is inside that counts.


Very interesting link. Even though there are some parts of my body I’d like to have hair-free, I love my arm hair. It’s light golden brown and a tad bit long, but very soft and smooth. My husband loves it and hates when I use Nair on it occasionally.

Hair can absolutely be beautiful. I wish I had smooth, fine hair on my face instead of dark, coarse hair! I wouldn’t dare have electrolysis done if that were the case.