<strong>Cheri’s Electrolysis</strong><br>
Cheri Laviano
<P> 1368 Brooklyn Blvd.<br>
Bay Shore, NY 11706
<P>(631) 968-7720<br>
e-mail: electrocheri88@aol.com
<P>Office Hours:<br>
Days, Evenings and Weekends by Appointment<br>
Office Rates:<br>
Competitive Rates
<B>Description of Practice:</B><br>
[li]Convenienly located 2 blocks off Sunrise Highway[/li] [li]Complimentary Consultation and First 15 Minutes Free Trial[/li] [li]Private and Relaxing Residential Office[/li] [li]Member: NYEA and AEA[/li] [li]Professional, Gentle Care with State of the Art Equipment[/li] [li]Sterile, Disposable Probes[/li] [li]Men and Women, TG/TS Welcome[/li] [li]Privacy a Priority[/li] [*]Referred by Physicians<br>