Hi, I’m new here, but could really use some advice. I have been an obsessive leg-hair-plucker, chin-hair plucker, and eyebrow-plucker (using tweezers) for several years. My legs get disgusting, but I hate them anyway, so I wear pants always. And my chin gets scabby and dry and whatever. Anyway, I sometimes spend an hour just on my face, right before bed. This process relieves something b/c it’s satisfying, but the major downside? It KILLS my back! The best way I’ve found to pluck is to sit bent over w/ mirror on my lap to get the best angles, and then the same for my legs. So I’m sitting bent over my legs for an hour a night, sometimes. Does anyone have any suggestions or ways to do this that doesn’t strain one’s back? I guess I’d like to stop, as well, but not until I find some substitute that gives me the same satisfaction. Plus I freak out if I feel too many hairs on my chin and feel like they are HUGE and everyone sees them and judges me. So insecurities abound.
Any help/words would be awesome,