
i have hair issues on my stomach and my breasts.

i would love to have none anywhere but i realize that if even the hair on my breasts were gone i would be 100% happier with the situation.

my hair makes me feel unfeminine and if i have a day that i cant seem to pluck out every single hair i feel as though other things on my body are wrong.

i didnt tell my fiance about my hair issue on my breasts until just the other day while we were on vacation…i went into the bathroom to get ready to go to the beach for the day and i realized i was sick of spending 30minutes plucking my breasts every day. i broke down to him and thankfully he was understanding and doesnt care what my situation is.

even though the love of my life accepts me i still feel awful about myself. i mean swimsuit season is here…i have no weight troubles…and i still fret about being in a bikini for the sole fact of what if my top slips and what if i missed some.

hopefully i can get something done about it soon…now that my fiance knows he offered to help in any way he could.

Consider yoruself lucky to have a supporting boyfriend. A lot of people go through feeling like this alone and in secret.

Have you been checked out by an endocronologist? They can check out the cause of the hair growth. There is a medication called Aldactone that can greatly improve your situation if the endo finds something amiss.

i havent seen one…can you explain more of what it is? is it a hormone doctor?

and i wonder if this appointment would be covered by insurance?

thanks for the replies!

Before you go running to an endocrinologist, please understand that hair around the nipple area is very, very common for both women and men. There is nothing at all abnormal about this. Some women may have 10-13 hairs on each side and other women may have 100 hairs per side.

I wouldn’t go running to a physician about this. It is normal, even though it isn’t very pretty. Most healthy women have hair around the areola’s. Electrolysis is an awesome cure if you go through the motions in regard to properly spaced treatments.

Just find a reputable electrologist and get going. A first clearance can be obtained in one treatment session. Give her enough time up front to clear and then maintain the area as needed when NEW hairs sprout forth every 3-6 weeks. Blend, thermolysis or any of the newer forms of thermolysis will work. Just make a plan and stick with it.

I agree with Dee. Unless you’re experiencing other signs of hormonal disorders like irregular periods, acne, facial hair, etc, or if you are completely covered with coarse hair, it is likely normal. Many women have hair around the nipple area and some on the stomach. Some have lighter hair that’s less noticeable.

I had the nipple and stomach areas cleared with electrolysis. You can read my story below.

i made my appointment for next thursday…the woman seemed very friendly and like i’d be comfortable around her.

i’m getting around my nipples and my “happy trail” under my belly button done.

this is the first time in about 6 years i have felt optimistic about my hair situation, because for once i feel as though i know a way to solve it…when before i knew by bleaching, plucking, waxing, shaving, and nair-ing that i was just delaying the problem.

i know i’m not as bad off as many women are…but i feel as though i need to do this to feel comfortable with myself. like i said before my hair issues make me feel unattractive in other ways. i’ve always felt as if i could see a hair but couldn’t pluck it yet that it ruined my entire day. it also has become an obsessive habit…my fiance knew about the hair under my bellybutton (hell he even picked up my bleach for me before) but he never even noticed the hair on the breasts(and it is very coarse and black) that is how obsessed i became with plucking.

i’ve been letting the hair grow in for my appointment and its almost an empowering feeling, a “last time ill see you” feeling.

thanks for everyone’s support and i will keep everyone updated in the electrolysis forum!