Actually, I personally would researve judgement pending further details. Hair removal in this area requires touching and stretching the skin. It is completely possible for someone doing hair removal to be doing nothing but the actual job, and yet be technically guilty of sexual assault.
A chiropractor here in New York State was found guilty of molesting a minor for performing an adjustment on a 15 year old in the presence of her mother and his assistent, with the door opened, all because legally speaking, an adult who touches a minor’s rear end can be said to have molested her.
Although it turned out that the 15 year old only reported him out of spite because he spurned her teenaged girl crush for remaining faithful to his adult fiance (and resisting jail bait), the legal system found him guilty, took his license and views him as a sex offender.
It is entirely possible that the doctor is more guilty of not having explained the process of hair removal in that area, more so than any actual impropriety.
Of course, if he did try to get away with something, I hope he enjoys the liberties his cell mates will take with him.