At home treatment, its inexpensive.. but risky

Improper use of laser hair removal equipment can damage your skin and skin follicles. It can also result to certain skin infections. It is always recommended to let an expert operate the laser hair removal device as they have the skills and experience to remove the hair without scarring your skin and avoid major irritation.

If you are really decide to purchase laser hair removal and use it at home, make sure that you note and consulted a specialist about allergies, and medical conditions. You must be aware of all the possible side-effects.

Are you talking about at home electrolysis or laser? Because at home laser does not work and really wont cause any side effects since its like shining a flash light on your skin.

Hi edokid, I am actually referring to laser devices used at homeā€¦ I have a friend that tried to do it at home all by herself, and you can imagine, she had accident burning her skin. so just safe to say and recommend to others that it is better to trust your specialists and go for a professional clinic especially when you are not sure of your own skills when it comes to lasers.