Arm Hair - Natural looking reduction.

Hi there. Ive recently had Laser on my Chest and my legs a few months ago, i am going on holiday in a few weeks with alot of people. I didnt get laser on my arms and they are quite hairy im thinking this will look weird having no chest hair and hairy arms…

So my question is, what is the best way to trim arm hair in a way that it still looks natural? i did a search and couldnt find any posts similar to this. If i shaved it all off now, would it grow back looking natural in 3 weeks time?
Ermm… i am a bit unsure and quite eager to do something soon so please any advice would help! :slight_smile:

have you considered waxing?

i have but for now, that is too extreme, they know i have hair on my arms but havent seen them in a while so would have forgot how much :stuck_out_tongue:
(maybe if i waxed 6+ weeks before the hoiday, would have grown back ideally)

any other way??

what is the best option, shaving it all off now, waiting until i get there and trim it, or anything else? please help! lol

I trim my arm hair once a week and have for about 12 or 15 years now. It only takes a few minutes and no one has a clue I even do it. I just use a beard trimmer set to the number 3 height which is about 1/4" or slightly shorter. If I didn’t do this, I’d have Robin Williams arms!

I have been doing the same thing for about 5 years, though it is looking increasingly stupid. My arm hair is getting coarser every year (I am 31), and more hairs continue to grow. I, for some reason, was a late hair bloomer. I had a hairless body until my late 20’s, now my arms and legs are extremely hairy, go figure?

Anyways, it now looks ridiculous when I trim the hair, because it is so obvious. It tends to stand up straight when I trim it because it is so coarse. If anyone has any better ideas, please let me know. Otherwise, I am holding out for laser.

A skilled electrologist using MicroFlash or PicoFlash thermolysis could zip through and only attack hair that looks goofy. The finer hairs could be ignored. Pinpoint precision is not only possible with electrolysis, it is unique because no other hair removal method can do this.

Thinning by human selection works beautifully. One of my clients uses a pencil to boss me around. He points to paricular hairs that he wants out and I go get 'em! I chase the pencil and he creates the masterpiece that he wants.


IF you can afford it, id get them lasered. At least it will grow back slightly finer…

What if the hair is not the responding type of hair for laser? I guess if it’s coarse and you keep your skin as pale as possible, that would be helpful. What if the client is left looking patchy, swirley and uneven like a marble cake? Then what? I’ve seen that outcome more than a couple times.

I also wanted a natural looking reduction and what I did was use a combination of laser and electrolysis. I had 2 laser treatments and the regrowth came back a lot finer but a little patchy and then I followed up with electrolysis to balance it out and I did get a more natural looking less hairy arm.

a few electrolysis treatments will also thin out the hair but not as fast as a laser will

Pale Boy:

I had my chest done too. After almost a year of that, I starting getting my arms waxed. Much better than shaving. You will see major stubble that way. I get almost no stubble with wax. Still though when my shirt is off, I get asked if chest is shaved/waxed (and it’s been bothering me) - which is why I wax my arms.

I’m curious as to what you did to your legs? Thinned or removed. I trim my legs - but I’m getting tired of it and need a more permanent solution.

My suggestion: get them waxed - even at 3 weeks - you should have decent growth.

If your arms are hairy by a mans standard, then electrolysis will not make much of an impression unless you want to put a fair few hours in…
On dark hair and pale skin a well used Alex laser will give great results. Laser seems to be more effective on limbs (in my experience)
I have only had 2 treatments on my legs, but i am almost completely happy with their current ‘natural reduction’ state. And I had LOTS of hair.
Nearly one year after my 2nd treatment, i have almost %50 reduction. Including lots of bare ares on lower legs, but it still looks natural. Its great.

Check out these results on Vulpes website (hope you don’t mind Vulpes)

You can see the difference after one treatment.