Are there any other forums for hair removal?

Thanks, i need all the info i can get.

[ September 15, 2003, 06:54 PM: Message edited by: Tonic2 ]

Yeah there are some out there but I’m not sure what Andrea will let me put up here. I posted in for a long time and I recently stopped because of numerous reasons. I started to think the site was really biased. The laser hair removal people run the site basically. They are allowed to say whatever they want to consumers even to people like me who have tried laser hair removal (17 or 18 gentlase treatments to be exact) claim it doesn’t work for alot of people. I like what it does for me on a temporary basis and I always mention those things and the improvement of certain aspects of my life because of it. I consider it a waxing job that lasts a little bit longer and the hair comes back a little thinner.

I liked to post links to articles on that site about research done by people like Dr. Christiano and Elaine Fuchs. One of the two will probably lead us to a permanent hair inhibitor solution sometime in the future. I get bashed repeatedly on the site for posting the stuff. I even contacted Dr. Christiano and told her I would like to take place in her clinical trials (which are supposed to start this winter for a permanent hair inhibitor) and she wrote back basically telling me that I could when they start them. The moderators on that forum didn’t want to hear that as well.

If anyone has not seen the research that I have posted on this site and would like to see it I will post it here again or if you want just go into the gene therapy section to see some of the articles.

Another forum that isn’t very active is A researcher runs that site and is pretty knowledgeable but it takes him a long time to get back to you sometimes.

cosmetic enhancements forum . com


yours is the first post that matches my feelings about lhr

i pretty much have to go back every two months…and ive really started to think it’s like an expensive waxing job…although waxing never worked very well for me (bumps, whiteheads and irritation till the hair grew back)…

i do think there is definitely reduction, but i have a feeling im never going to be hairless…but mostly i am pleased, much poorer (New York is pretty expensive), but mostly happy