Are there any MEN here that use Silk'n at home?

Hey everyone,

LOVE this forum just had to join after finding it. I’m just wondering if there’s any other guys here that use the Silk’n at home for hair removal. I bought mine a couple months ago and seem to have good results so far, but every where I go it’s always women posting about it. Obviously there’s a bit of a difference between men’s hair and women’s so would just be nice to talk to other guys who’ve used it or do use it!

The only difference that matters is the type of hair, not whether it’s on a male or a female. The device doesn’t know or care about your sex :slight_smile:

If you’ve read other discussions of this product, I hope you are aware that you will not get permanent results using this thing. It’s fine for temporary results, but not powerful enough to actually kill hair.

Right I understand it’s not permanent and that’s okay. Mostly wanted to talk to guys to see how its working out for them since men are of course more hairy usually :slight_smile:

When it’s not as powerful as a clinic laser, would using it for a long time or more frequently not help a bit, or is it no where even remotely close?

When attempting to remove hair via thermal event (which is what LASER’s are attempting to do) one must hit a sweet spot of heating the germative growth cells of the hair follicle with a temperature of 127 degrees, without going over 150 degrees, where skin desiccates. One also wants to limit the amount of skin involved in this heating pattern so that one doesn’t get excess damage to structures one desires to keep.

Well, if the heating pattern of this unit never causes the tissue in question to reach 127 degrees for even a second, more frequent use won’t bring you any closer to permanent hair removal.

Think of it as asking if pouring water more frequently into a glass with a hole in it will allow one to fill the glass once and for all.

It won’t do anything over time. Just like if you shave or wax the hair for a long time, it still won’t cause any permanent damage to the follicle. It will keep regrowing back unless the blood supply to the hair is damaged, which is done with a lot more power, i.e. professional machines.

Gosh, James, that reply was fantastic! You too, lagirl!

I agree with you both about products like this. Science trumps marketing.

Well depends what you’re looking for I guess, like I said it’s working for me. I did it on my hands and it’s been a month and no hair has come back where as when I went a bit lower 2 days later you could see hair back. That was a week ago and the hair is prob 2-3mm long right now but still nothing where I did it on my hands. So even if it lets me go a month or more it’s still pretty good.

I have been using the Silk’n for 8-9 months Lee. It works well for me also. However, I have to admit, I am starting to become annoyed with having the buy new bulbs. I have yet to take an actual count of pulses from one. But it seems like some last a lot longer than others. And at that price, they should be guaranteed 750 pulses. The price has dropped to $55 from $80, which is improvement. But it’s still starting to get under my skin (no pun intended) having to replace the bulbs so much.

If you are looking for temporary hair removal, then you will be happy with the device. It gives the smooth skin and appearance of professional lasers. Which in my opinion you cannot get with waxing or shaving. HOWEVER, your chances of it being permanent are next to nothing.

If you want permanence, you are going to have to get professional laser treatments or electrolysis. I am going to be starting electrolysis on my upper back and shoulders, as soon as I can manage it in my budget. But unfortunately that doesn’t look to be anywhere in the near future. :frowning:

I’m curious why you think results after waxing are different. In my past experience, waxing leaves you with smoothe skin too, given proper waxing of course.

The few times I did waxing, I was always left with red bumps. And a lot of ingrown hairs when it start coming back in. And it always seemed to grow back a lot sooner.

It may be due to bad waxing where the hairs are broken off on their way out.

Very possible. I didn’t keep going to find out. :wink:

I think that Silk’n is better than waxing but depends. Waxing of course can be painful and depending on the area you have to let the hair grow back a bit before you do it. Plus waxing at home can be difficult especially if you’re looking at legs or something. I used to wax my tummy which was really the only area I wanted hair gone, and it worked but I hated having to let it grow back, so that’s why I got professional laser there and couldn’t be happier.

One interesting thing though (and this may mean nothing since I have nothing to compare to) is that when I first got the silk’n I went crazy wanting hair gone everywhere, so for the first time in my life I shaved my legs fully, and then did a session with Silk’n on them. Because I had never shaved before, I got razor burn like crazy and was dying so said I’d never do it again. But the interesting thing is that weeks later when the hair was coming back, it was completely less thick, like I’d say only 1/3rd was back, and it was a good month and a half before it was almost back to normal. Seemed odd as usually shaving comes back so fast. So few weeks ago I decided to try waxing my legs since I figure if it takes that long to come back with shaving then waxing should be the same, but to be honest I think waxing is coming back in the same amount of time. So I don’t know if that’s just me, or if the silk’n had anything to do with that. AGain nothing to compare it to since I’ve never shaved them and not used it and it was only one session, so it did seem to help. Thing is legs use a lot of pulses and its very time consuming, since it’s hard to tell where you’ve covered and not!


I’m quite interested in this topic as I was planning to buy the Silk’n under the impression it was for permanent removal. However, you all seem to agree here that it is not. Good to know.

I’m actually interested in density reduction and thinning of abdomen and chest hair rather than complete hairless. Do you think Silk’n would work in this way, i.e., would be able to permanently kill/thin some of the hair in the desired area or there is no permanent effect at all?

What do you recommend for permanent density reduction/thinning ?


Hey Marcus I’m no expert, LAgirl can probably answer better. I think your money can be better spent going to a clinic and just doing a few sessions versus the whole treatment cycle. You just want to make sure that the person is good and doesn’t miss areas which would cause patchyness. I can’t really comment on how well Silk’n works in the abdomen/chest areas as I have a smooth chest and do professional laser on abdomen. What I do know is that on my hands and more private areas it does seem to work and stop growth for awhile. However as I had mentioned I was doing it on my underarms, and I really don’t see much difference at all. In the middle I have a spot that seems bare, but the hair grows back just as fast I find, mind you I’ve only been doing it for maybe 2-3 months if that so I realize it takes 6+ months before getting any good results so it’s hard to say. So for me it really seems touch and go, in some areas it seems better than in others. I seem to have opposite effects, I heard that it works best on thicker coarser dark hair like my underarms, but I’m getting better results in the other areas like hands. The nice thing with SIlk’n though is it seems to retain its value fairly well, so even if you buy one on ebay then sell it after 6 months, while you may not get ALL your money back I think you’d get a good chunk!

It is not powerful enough to kill hair permanently. It doesn’t matter how many times you use it, it’s still not powerful enough.

If you want a permanent reduction, go with professional treatments. You’ll only need 3-4 treatments which will cost the same as this device.