I have been using the Silk’n for 8-9 months Lee. It works well for me also. However, I have to admit, I am starting to become annoyed with having the buy new bulbs. I have yet to take an actual count of pulses from one. But it seems like some last a lot longer than others. And at that price, they should be guaranteed 750 pulses. The price has dropped to $55 from $80, which is improvement. But it’s still starting to get under my skin (no pun intended) having to replace the bulbs so much.
If you are looking for temporary hair removal, then you will be happy with the device. It gives the smooth skin and appearance of professional lasers. Which in my opinion you cannot get with waxing or shaving. HOWEVER, your chances of it being permanent are next to nothing.
If you want permanence, you are going to have to get professional laser treatments or electrolysis. I am going to be starting electrolysis on my upper back and shoulders, as soon as I can manage it in my budget. But unfortunately that doesn’t look to be anywhere in the near future.