Ardell makes several poroducts for unwanted hair, inlcuding the Surgi-Cream line of depilatories. The active ingredient is calcium hydroxide, which can cause serious chemical burns in some consumers, especially if not used exactly according to instructions.
These products are very caustic, and even in consumers who have used them before, it’s possible to have a serious response despite never having had one before.
Anyone using a depilatory should follow the instructions to the letter, including doing a test patch in an inconspicuous area before applying to the face.
If you do start to feel burning during use, remove the product immediately according to the instructions and cleanse the area completely. If you get redness, rash, or blistering you should do what tabitha’s grandmother did and consult a dermatologist.
Generally, these burns will clear up without permanent damage, but it’s important to play it safe.