Apogee, Gentlelase and Lightsheer

Hi. I just had my first treatment on lower leg today on Apogee 5500, 18J, 20ms, 12mm spot size. Do you think this setting is effective? I tried to ask the practitioner to get it to 15 ms at least, but she said that doesn’t make it more effective. If patients have dark coarse hair, sometimes they need up to 40 ms! That is totally contradicting to what I read here!
I have type III skin, and I am Asian. I am planning to get my underarm done as well, out of Apogee, Gentlelase and Lightsheer, which would you recommend? I talked to the place that uses Gentlelase, and they said they will set it as 14-16 J, 3ms, 18mm. Is that even less effective than my Apogee treatment?


Also, before the treatment, I shaved my hairs on my lower leg. But I didnt shave all the hairs as I thought she would do so before the treatment. She did not remove my hairs before laser though. So even after treatment, I still have some hairs on my lower leg (those that I forgot to thread properly)

Is this normal? I tried pulling them out, and some came off easily, some are still stuck. For those that came off easily, does that mean those follicles are destroyed?

Those settings are decent. 16J on 18mm with GentleLASE would be a bit higher. You’re Asian, so you have underlying pigment. So you still have to be carefull about how high you can go. Test things so you don’t get burned.

Shedding takes 3 weeks. Let us know how that goes.

You should shave 2 days before your treatment next time you go.