Apogee Elite

You are correct, I’m no expert when it comes to pulse width or duration, only reason i brought it up is cause you keep talking about it like it’s the most important aspect.

I have no idea why you think that low setting at a fast duration doesn’t impact the hair, if this was true then we wouldn’t be seeing any shedding right?

This method works because you heat up a whole area to achieve enough heat to disable the follicle there.

Anyway, i think that you need to see how it works, it is clearly nothing like you have seen before.

Shedding doesn’t necessarily mean the hair is gone for good. Settings can be high enough to cause shedding, but not high enough to disable the follicle. This often happens when using high pulse width and in general with many IPLs.

And yes, I’m talking about pulse width, because it IS very important and in fact the main reason home products like Tria and Silk’n won’t produce permanent results even though they can be powerful enough to induce shedding.

Sorry to hear of your bad experience with the Apogee Elite system.
Glad you ran fast and far from them!!

It looks like we’ll learn from your experience, which sounds favorable thus far.

For the record I had a good experience with the Apogee Elite dual wavelength.

I’m a type III and my darker areas (scrotum/peri-anal) areas are likely type IV.
I had some burns with the 755nm and after a bit of pain and healing I went back that the dual wavelength allowed 755 on my lighter areas which, I believe, works great and the 1064nm has done a marvelous job of my most darkly pigmented areas without the burns of the first sitting.

If the 810nm works for you at the relatively low power densities we will learn from it.

Thanks and good luck.