I just got back from an hour of electrolysis with a new Apilus Platinum and all I can say is…Wow. At first I didn’t notice the new machine, but I commented to my electrolysist that she forgot to apply the lidocaine cream as usual. She said I wouldn’t need it. She was right. If the pain level of the Fisher machine she had been using was a 10 then I would rate the new machine at about 2!
I am now spoiled. I don’t think I could ever go to someone with an older machine.
I havn’t posted in quite a while, but I have literally done about every mode this board offers. I did One-Touch, I did DIY (home build galvanic with professional probes), I did DIY with an eBay scored pro machine, I did laser, I did a spare bedroom electrolysist. It was finally time to get serious and go to a pro, and am I glad I did. She had my first clearing in about 12 hours. (All my half-baked efforts had cleared my upper lip to about 95%,so it was not all for naught)
Now, with the 27 Mhz machine, the end is in sight and the tears seem to be history! My advice, in addition to sanitation and technique, pay real attention to your professional’s equipment, there is a huge difference.