Anyone know how I can pull this off?

Hi everyone,

Here is my situation: I am wondering if there is any way I would be able to completely neutralise the hair follicles on my face, the upper lip and beard area. I’ve been shaving since I was 16, which I always hated, so I finally decided to start waxing my face. It’s much better, my face looks so much better with no hair or stubble on it, but I have to do this often. I don’t understand, I thought waxing eliminates hair for weeks, not days. Anyway, is there any type of cream out there that you believe will weaken the hair? I’m hoping use of that in conjunction with waxing will eventually make it to where all I have on my face is peach fuzz, and maybe even nothing. I use Jurgens Naturally Smooth off and on, but out of laziness, I never used it for weeks daily like it says you should. I do suspect it works somewhat, my hairs on the face are not nearly as strong or fast-growing as they used to be. Should I go and get more, or am I wasting my money. One day, my Mom said, “If you ever want a mustache later in life, you’ll regret this”. I know I’ll never want hair on my face.:slight_smile: Any and all advice would be greatly apprecated. Thanks!


Geez, Jens, waxing your face is not what you want to do at all. I’m afraid that you will have a real mess on your hands with thicker more numerous hair in the future that will be much harder to control or get rid of. Your Mom is a smart lady.

There are two things to think about in your situation so you can stop waxing immediately.

#1 It would be better for you to shave and at the same time, start using Vaniqa cream in conjunction with this temporary method. Vaniqa is a product that is supposed to be used with your temporary method,like shaving, to slow down the the hair growth. It is expensive. It has to be applied twice a day. It is oily. It MAY cause skin irritation. It doesn’t fully start taking effect for 6-8 weeks and you have to use it the rest of your life… UNLESS… and this brings the discussion to…

#2 ELECTROLYSIS - If you extremely lucky to live near a skilled, modern electrologist in Bonn that can deliver great electrolysis care, you can enjoy the miracle of assured permanent hair removal for your face and you will never have to resort to the temporary daily grunge of disguising your hair when your treatments are all over.

I found a few American Electrolgy Association German members listed in the 2007 roster, however, Berlin and Hamburg are out of the question, I assume, due to the distance factor. Where is Weil Der Stadt and Hessen? Are these places closer to you if you decide to seek information on electrolysis? By the way, I just LOVE YOU posting your location and I know that King James Walker will,too. Now, if you think you may want to explore this very good option, then definitley read all you can on the electrolysis forum here on hairtell. Go to as well as it is another good source of information. You can look up electrolysis websites in Europe. In other words, educate yourself well and you will put it all together and make a good decision. Come back here and ask questions if you want and we will help you figure this all out.

Having too much noticable hair on your face can be as crippling as having too much acne. I’d hate for you to make it worse by waxing. Please don’t do this anymore.

I really can’t zone in on any other good alternatives for you. I personally don’t like laser hair reduction for facial areas, but you may want to explore that avenue as well regardless of my view.

Thanks for your great question.


:confused:Cease waxing now! Although sometimes a hair will die from repeated pulling but the majority of hairs will actually be invigorated or strengthened. Shaving is safest but Electrolysis is the answer to heaven on this planet. Pearl…

I assume you are a male, young, maybe in your late teens early 20s?

As others have said, waxing an upper lip (especially a male one, ouch!!) will cause the hair to possibly worsen and make future electrolysis more difficult.

Since you are young, your hair may still thicken and get more dense with time, as you finish the latter stages of puberty. This may make waxing too painful or damaging on the skin. If you have blonde or light hair, laser won’t be an option for you.

Starting electrolysis is your best bet, I would guess you may have a problem with more hair may come in as you age and go through your electrolysis treatments (making it appear it is not working.)