In an article by Jenny Bailly, “Buyer beware: facts about laser hair removal”, posted on the Oprah website, she writes that sometimes LHR can be successful in just two treatments - depending on skin and hair color.
I’m only interested in knowing if one can recuperate MOST of his/her hair (not in its elimination).
I have been searching the web for information about the effects of having a one time only LHR session with no follow ups. unfortunately, my case BUT DUE TO REGRET about having the procedure(and I am extremely anguished due do this)
Apparently not many people have just one session.
But my interest lies in those people who for different reasons had to stop treatment after just one session.
More specifically, how much hair grew back and in what time frame and degree of hairless patchiness.
I know this information depends on each person, but I want to have an idea of what to expect. I want to hear from other people’s experiences.
Are there any scientific studies? any reference material?
Thanks to anyone who can contribute