I remember about 10 or even 12 years ago, I had a great dream.
It involved me, standing in front of the mirror, and noticing a funny hair sticking out of my forehead… right in the middle of it…
Anyway, I started pulling on this hair, and it just kept coming… I soon realised that it was connected to every hair, skin tag, mole and blemish on my face and the rest of my body below the neck… as I kept pulling, all the hairs just got pulled back under the skin and eventually came out attached to this long long vine… it was metres and metres long… I pulled for about 15 minutes, but eventually, I had pulled it out (carefully I might add, I didn’t want it to break off… LOL) and was hair free and blemish free forever after that. The spot I pulled it out of healed up and I was fine.
I just wondered if anyone else has had a weird dream about hair…