So, I had a 30 min treatment with Wendy of New Image yesterday. She was exteremely curious about this forum and so I gave her this address, sure she will be hopping on here soon, can you imagine what an excellent resource this is becoming with all the electrologists on this board. It’s fabulous!
The treatment went fine, she gave a few blips of current to each hair depending on how much it needed, she said it was sliding out easily and did not seem like skin was going to react abnormally aka scabbing that I currently get with blend.
This morning, I have some red spots on the sides which are the precursor to scabs for me, but hardly any on chin! I will still give it a day before declaring improvement though. Also, to be honest, each blip had a much higher edge than the blend, but because it’s soo brief, it’s tolerable. The blend gives this slow intense ache (for the coarser hairs) that builds up, but it’s more of an ache and you get time to prepare yourself for it. For the finer hairs, blend is totally tolerable. So overall, I vote for microflash for the fine hairs and blend for coarse in terms of the pain.
Adding what I have heard about less regrowth with blend to this picture, case for blend is pretty strong. However, if my skin lands up with little or no scabs after treatment with microflash, it’s neck to neck <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/smile.gif" alt="" />!
Oh, another thing, the cataphoresing after the treatment, my blend lady doesn’t do it, but Wendy did and it felt gooood. She said that it almost a ‘requirement’ especially if you have sensitive skin that reacts a lot. Although it’s more for stopping the current to form any more lye with the blend, she finds its very helpful for calming and soothing the skin even after microflash, it certainly felt real good to me. She also uses Banana Boat aloe after cataphoresing that felt cool and smelled great!
Interestingly, no gloves with her either, I forgot to ask her about it, will call her in a couple days when she is back in to check why. Or maybe she will read this and answer here!!!
All in all, I am very happy I tried this treatment, it gave me tons of perspective. Hope this long extended post is helpful to some.