Any biological females here

(No offense :slight_smile: ) I’ll be reading the messages after posting this, but I noticed that there are main topics for transsexuals. No problem, but are there any biological females here as well? I’m a biological female with a hair issue. I was on another board, but it was mainly just for answering questions about excessive hair; there wasn’t a support group.

Back in school when I didn’t have this problem, I knew lots of females with it, but now that I have it, I know no females with it. I came here really just hoping to find a female friend who can relate. Sometimes just want to be around someone I can feel comfortable around being this huge issue really bothers me.

If you’re seeking the same, please send me a private message, if this board has that feature. BTW, I’m in TX, in the 20s. It would be nice to meet a friend that I can eventually become real time friends with, so I can feel a bit more at ease to do more things I’d like to do without feeling so alone, afraid etc. But for now, just knowing I have someone by my side who can relate, that would be a blessing! Thanks!

There are support groups through organizations like Soulcysters and PCOS. Do a search. Hope it goes well.

there are definitely tons of biological women with excessive hair here and those with PCOS. have you been tested for PCOS? how much hair do you have? have you seen an endocrinologist? you might have better luck in the laser hair removal or electrolysis sections of this forum.

Thanks you two for responding back to me! No, I’ve never been tested. I didn’t have the money before because I didn’t want to leave the house… ugh I know that sounds bad.

I just got a job working from home, so I hope to be able to start getting soemthing done about this.

So there are support groups for this? I’m going to search for them. Thanks a lot for the info.! :slight_smile: