Andrea is spiro dangerous?

Hi Andrea,
You’ve mentioned before that you’ve been taking an anti androgen for years. Do you take spiro? I’ve been reading on numerous websites that it causes tumours in Rats…not to mention that it lowers electrolytes, and can cause renal failure. Some of the side effects also list “excessive hair growth”. My GP will not prescribe spiro to me. I was just wondering what anti androgen you were taking, and if it caused you any health scares or any bad side effects. I realize that you aren’t a doctor, I’m just curious if you’ve heard of any issues similar to these before. Thanks.

You can look this up in a PDR (Physician’s Desk Reference) at Barnes and Noble.

You will find it says “Women of childbearing age (most of the patients writing here) should NOT take this drug because it neutralizes the testosterone needed for a male infant and can cause deformed genitals in a male embryo”.


There is no contraceptive that is 100% effective and some of you will become pregnant so you are really taking a chance with your child’s future.

My dermatologist, whom I respect greatly, just prescribed me sprio. I brought up the cancer in the rats issue. She told me she was just going to brief me on that. She said there were trials done in the 70’s regarding this. In those studies tumors were found but protocol was questionable. She said something along the lines that she worked closely for many years with patients with breast cancer who were on spiro and the condition did not worsen for them.

I don’t know. I didn’t want to take it either… but I don’t have a BF, so for now I’m not too worried about the pregnancy risks at least. (knock on wood) I don’t have an immediate family history of breast cancer.

It seems two doctors (an endocrinologist and my derm) prescribed it to me. So, I’m interested in what Andrea has to say since some doctors feel it’s safe.

Lastly, I’ve read Saw Palmetto has similar effects as spiro…

I want to know if topically Saw Palmetto can do anything…?

Hope that helps, and hopefully Andrea will respond (please… we need you!)


spironolactone has worked some for me, however I quit taking it for a few years because it made me void a lot! ( urinate), it does cause fatty tumors that is a side affect, also it is a bloodpressure med, so that is why some people have felt uncomfortable taking it. i am gonna start back on it , It will take a long time to see affects the hair will come back not as course, however it never stopped the growth.

Spironolactone affects everyone differently. Some people who take antiandrogens have issues with potassium levels and certain liver functions. In addition, sprinolactone is a diuretic and can cause dehydration in some. It’s important to take it under a doctor’s supervision after doing the appropriate blood work. If you are or plan to get pregnant, it is extremely important to understand that spirnolactone can affect sexual development in male fetuses, making them appear female dspite their chromosomal makeup.

When you say that it effects the development of male fetuses, that’s only when you’re actually on the medication, correct? I mean, if I want to have a baby somewhere down the line I could stop taking the drug and after a while it would not be in my system to screw up a baby boy, yes?

I’ve just been prescribed the medication. I haven’t started taking it yet.

You should discuss this issue with your physician if you have questions. The effects of spirinolactone stop when you stop taking it, so if you plan to become pregnant, you should follow your physician’s instructions on when to stop taking it.

Okay, that’s what I figured.

I have no plans to become pregnant and I’m still about 80% sure that I never want to have a child, but there’s still that 20%. But that wouldn’t be for a long time.

Hi Anathema:

I think the problem is if someone becomes pregnant by accident while on spironolactone. It could happen perhaps even from something as simple as a condom with a pinhole in it.

I don’t believe that the effects of spironolactone remain for that long after taking it. The danger is when someone is pregnant and does not know yet and the fetus is developing. That is when the mothers hormones have an immense effect on fetal developement.

Andrea is right about having periodic bloodwork, limiting potassium intake and consulting with your doctor. Never take anything unsupervised.


what are fatty tumors? My mom has breast cancer but I really want to get back on spiro… does it increase the risk for cancer?

Fatty tumors are basically benign tumors. According to the doctor at , that “side effect” of Spiro was disproven a long time ago. Anyway, fatty tumors are just benign tumors the majority of the time, but be aware that they CAN become malignant. That, however, is rare.

Spiro doesn’t help nor cause cancer. It’s a blood pressure medication, although it does very little for that.