I’m a seventeen-year-old male and only ten minutes ago I finished with my first electrolysis treatment! I’d originally posted in the “laser hair removal” forum, opting for that method. However, due to the fact that I’d continually plucked my upper lip (where I want the hairs removed from), I’d have to forego treatment for several months. I wanted to begin as quickly as possible, so I decided to go with electrolysis; if only during the interim, while the growth cycles of the hairs stabilized.
I found the women that I saw today on the electrolysisreferral.com website. She was very knowledgeable and kind, which definitely put me at ease. She offers other skin treatments, for acne and the like, in addition to electrolysis. Her office was extremely well-maintained and seemed pretty upscale. We spoke for a considerable amount of time (during which she answered all of my questions and concerns) before beginning treatment.
She told me that the flash (thermolysis) method was less forgiving on the skin, but that it was slightly quicker. I decided to try it out first, determined to achieve clearance as fast as possible. Compared to the galvanic (which was used later on in the roughly thirty-minute session), it did seem quicker. It was considerably more painful, though, and felt like intermittent electric shocks. Needless to say, it hurt a lot! The galvanic felt more comparable to a burning sensation, but was much easier to tolerate. It still hurt, but I was able to breathe through the pain.
I’ve decided that I’d like to continue treatment with this woman, and will most likely opt for the galvanic method. My next appointment isn’t for another week, so I’ll be looking into ELA-Max or EMLA during that time to help ease the pain. In fact, the pain was the only detractor from this entire experience. I was shaking when we finished, partly because I’d been so nervous and partly because it hurt so much. I used to pluck all the hairs on my lip with an epilator (ouch), but this type of pain somehow seemed less tolerable.
Looking at my face now, I only have two or three spots that are enflamed and bleeding a little. Otherwise, the areas that were treated (primarily those closest to my cheeks) look like normal skin! She told me to use a warm compress and to abstain from using depilatories or shaving for several days.
I suppose this post is more for me than anyone else (to share my experience and just vent), but I’d be more than happy to answer anyone’s questions if they were interested! Thanks so much for this site, Andrea! It’s provided me with a wealth of information that I’ve found extremely useful. I hope your kitties are well!