Am I getting excited too quickly?

Hi everyone,
It has been about 5 weeks since I started my treatment (treating beard/chin area and sideburns) and have done 2 45 minute and 3 1 hr treatments. My last treatment was yesterday.
In the previous treatments I always shaved between appointments but this week I didn’t have to. I did have hair but they were way less and I didn’t feel bothered enough to shave.

My electrologist feels that she still sees new hair coming in but was happy that I was seeing a difference.

Is this the beginning of the end or am I getting ahead of myself?

Thanks :slight_smile:

It sounds like your electrologist has caught most of the hair for this cycle. There will be more hair coming in as treatment progresses but after half a year or so you should start noticing a marked decrease in the amount and an ability to go longer and longer without shaving between treatments.