I’m a 24 years female who suffer of facial hair- not severe, but still apparent. It really BOTHERS ME A LOT- it makes me very insecure. I find it very hard to trust “perofessionals” at any field- I feel like everyone has an interes: cosmeticians, laser companies, doctors… I write hoping I could get some reliable information and some advice of YOU.
Well, so I’ve got some hairs on upper lip, chin and over sides of face. I was also diagnosed with PCOS.
Posting here few months ago I was adviced to start electrolysis- Sounds a good option: even though it takes time, it’s pretty safe and of course- solves the problem. so I did start… Even at the first session I’ve got some tiny red points over chin and mainly over upper lip, ok- and also few infectious marks. I kept doing, giving it a chance. Finally my electrolygist said she wanted to stop the process 'cause the weather it’s very sunny and she doesn’t want my skin to be affected (I put there skin protector every two hours…). She told me these marks would disappear (and the infectious ones would remain) and that’s it- let’s say she didn’t want to take responsibility, yeah.
Now, some pigmentation are there, on my upper lip in particular- they just look like tiny tiny brown points- you can’t notice them from afar, you have to get closer and look very thoroughly though. I must say that my skin is sensitive For example, if I wax my legs I always see like red points, marks- and they remain there for a long time…
I also went to get an advice by a dermatologist who’s considered to be very good- she advised me to start laser since the electrolysis already caused me these things…
Now I consider seriously laser treatments. I went to most laser practitioners in my city and all of them told me it’s not recommended since the face is a hormonal area and it might cause even more hair to appear there. (OMG, I can’t think about it!!!) All of them told me that EXCEPT FOR ONE. Just one doctor who uses Alexandrite laser told me IT IS possible to laser my face- she said the others (like lightsheer machine) aren’t really laser devices- she told me that as long as I would be hormonal balanced it would work for me.
Is there any difference among Alexandrite to the other laser devices? Do you know of someone who went through Alexendrite treatment over face??..
Now I have two options: keeping with the electrolysis but knowing it would probably cause another pigmentation marks or otherwise laser the face and hope it would be all right. Hope.
Two options have their risks- I don’t know what to do.
I would really appreciate any advice or information about the issue.