Alexandrite (GentleLASE) Settings: Consensus?

Considering how often it’s asked, could we sticky a topic for GentleLASE settings?

There seems to be a solid consensus that (when tolerated) the recommended setting is 20 J/cm2 with the 18 mm spot size.

For those with finer hairs and lighter skin, a higher fluence from 25 - 28 J/cm2 on the 15mm spot could be more effective. After using a GentleLASE for a year I have to agree, but that even at these settings, very light hairs aren’t affected.

A couple of good articles outside of the forum on fluence versus treatment depth and spot size can be found at:

I don’t know if that’s necessarily the recommended setting, I usually see the 20J/18mm mentioned when someone is mentioning the highest settings for the 18mm spot size.

That should be more effective than what you’re saying with the 25-28J on 15mm. 18mm penetrates deeper that’s why there has to be a higher joules on the 15mm spot size, it’s not that 25J on 15 is more powerful than 20J on 18. A larger spot size is usually always better since it penetrates deeper…

Also I think a sticky like this has a few issues. For one thing, it’s not really fair to have a GentleLASE only sticky, what about Apogee Elite? Or Soprano XL? GentleLASE is good but it’s not the only machine there is. Furthermore, there isn’t really any “recommended” settings for any machine. If you’re skin type 1-3 then the recommended would be as high as possible, it’s all based on your skin type and everyone is different. You could have it instead showing what the minimum settings should be for anyone, that way people know if they’re being treated too low, but there’s too many variables I think…

I kinda think minimum settings would be more useful too.

Because yeah, 20J 18mm is the best, but how many people actually could handle that setting? I think most people will have to settle for slightly lower settings, unfortunately. So a post that gives the lowest settings acceptable on each machine (not just GentleLASE) might be more useful since laser companies notoriously undertreat people.

I agree that minimum effective settings for specific spot sizes would be better advice. I don’t see many people here advising 20J for 18 mm spot, because that will most likely result in burns or pain intolerance for most people. Also, that type of info will mislead people and make them believe that anything lower than 20J will not give them permanent results. I doubt there are studies that show what minimum settings in joules:spot size give permanent results in most people; therefore, people will just advise to go highest that your skin can handle.

Professionals tend to use us not to do this because settings vary so much across machines and skin types, and because skin types are only approximate. The best way to do this is to actually test the skin.