Alex Low Settings?

I had my first laser hair removal session two weeks ago, on my lower legs. The place I went to was very highly rated, only does laser, and is located in a major city and was on the more expensive side (not that more expensive = better, but I’m committed to finding a good place, no matter the cost).

My technician said I was a great candidate and that I would get good results. I am a Fitzpatrick type 2 with medium brown and medium coarse hair on my legs.

She used an Alex 755nm, Fluence 9.0 J/cm^2, pulse width 12 ms, spot size 24 mm, pulse rate 3 Hz (picture of machine below as well).

During the appointment I felt virtually no pain (she did use a cooling air function), and afterwards had no visible follicular inflammation. Now at two weeks I’ve had no shedding and I’m getting worried from what I’ve read on here that my settings were too low. From some research online in an Alex 755nm manual I found that for the 24mm spot size, the laser may only have a range of 3 to 11 J/cm2, so I might be at the higher end of what’s possible then? Not sure if I have that exactly correct. Then my question would be if this laser doesn’t work at the higher end of its capabilities will laser just not work for me?

I’m very fine with pain and inflammation as long as there are no permanent effects, and I made it clear during the appointment that I have a very high pain tolerance so that pain would not be a concern.

Long story short, are the settings that were used on me going to do anything? I’ll give my hair another week since I know shedding could take up to 3 weeks to start, but if nothing happens should I go back to this place and explain the situation or try and find somewhere else?

Everything looks fine. However for Skin type II, the pulse width should be lower.


I can tell you from my Experience as Costumer.

Laser dont work allways .

I had 18 x Alexandrit laser Sessions on my Facial Hairs . That is not Normal even in worst case 16 is Normal.

My Upper Lip /Underlip/chin , dont care About Laser and even my Doctor went 3 times over this Areas. This Hair dont fall out .

But it worked more or less well on Throat/Cheek area . Its weird.

I tryed also to go sure , a Studio a very good one payed 120 euro for Diod Laser sessions. Same one , my Hairs dont falled out there.

Dont know what was the reason , maybe Hars to deep , i dont get it.

Also i do Laser by Belly/chest/neck/shoulder/back, I have now 8 Sessions behind me , my Hairs are thinner, grow slower but i have still MINIMUM 90% of the hairs visible , they are not gone . Just grow slower/thinner.

General Laser is Weird , from person to Person.

I mean i heared from Studios some Peoples do fiacial Hairs 4-6 Sessions and they are done (with diod laser). Most need 8-12 Sessions for facial hairs within they are done. Even heared some did a lot and the hairs keep growing.

Maybe yours /my hairs are to deep in the skin, or laser to weak. Or this laser is just bad, i dont know.

It exist also some Laser you can Hear by Youtube and so, They work crazy, with different waves length. Like if you treat hairs, the hairs come out directly .

But by the lasers , i get treated they dont do. Just after 2-3 weeks arround.