
Hey everyone! I had a consultation with a new electrologist and I just had some questions maybe someone can help me out with?

The electrologist had some advice that was slightly different to members on here so I just wanted to make sure I was doing everything right. I only had a ten minute test patch (yesterday) on fine vellus hairs on my abdomen (naval line) and she cleaned the area with some antibacterial gel and then put a cooling lotion on after the test patch. I asked her whether I should apply tea tree oil after I got home or wait until later in the day but she said to use witch hazel instead and to not use aloe Vera gel until the morning before my next appointment as its just to moisturise. She said I could purchase a cooling gel by sterex (she’s certified by sterex so everything is branded with that).

I still want to use tea tree oil as I know it’s highly recommended here but I’m not sure when/what times. Also, is aloe Vera gel only for moisturising or can I use it to cool the area after treatment?

Is there an official Electrolysis FAQ thread about anywhere? I can’t seem to find one but I know there’s one for laser :s

Oh and since I’m asking questions I have one more! Is having a low setting but zapping it for longer the same as a higher setting but zapping it for a shorter time? My electrologist said I could be prone to hyper pigmentation (she noticed from my plucking there was some) and so opted for the lower setting but if its the same thing I think I’ll ask her to try the higher setting so we get through it quicker!

Thanks for reading <3

Dear Salted,

Clients are always concerned about what to “put on” after a treatment (lots of electrologists too).

I’m agnostic, because it doesn’t matter in the long run. I don’t use tea tree oil or aloe but I’m not against their use. (Unless, of course, if any of these items cause problems, e.g., allergic reactions.)

The only “enemy” of your treatment (and for any post-op procedure) is infection. If you don’t get an infection your “wound” will heal naturally and you don’t have to do anything to “make it heal better.”

How not to get an infection? Sterile procedures, of course, and then keep the area clean. What is clean? “Soap and water” and a little witch hazel is fine too. Don’t make a “big production” about something you body knows how to do without much assistance. Don’t overdo the “clean” either.

If you MUST use tea tree and aloe … well, have at it if it makes you feel better. Just don’t go overboard on self-administering products to “help.” Your immune system is in full-gear, don’t screw it up! Basically leave it alone!

(Your electrologist is correct on the timing/power issue … just “go with it!” Her recommendations are fine.)

I am in total agreement with Michael Bono. Well said!

Most of my clients are told to use soap and water. Nothing else is necessary when I do body work or if the facial work is in the last stages of treatment, usually after month nine.

For some skin types, I like dabs of tea tree oil and aloe vera gel (the good stuff with aloe listed as the first ingredient) for those first several clearances on the face, for the first three days only.

Everybody is different and there are so many skin types out there that you just have go by instinct and common sense sometimes. I’m not big on using a lot of fancy medicants because nature will take over and do the healing thing just fine, most of the time. Electrolysis is such a low risk procedure, so healing the tiny wounds from the bottom up is not very complicated.

Thank you very much Michael and Dee!

You guys are right, I have been over thinking this and as I have been busy since my electrolysis appt I haven’t even had time to put anything on and it’s healing perfectly fine (with a couple of pinpoint scabs, nothing major)

Really appreciate both of your replies! :slight_smile:

I like Aloe Vera where the first and ONLY ingredient is Aloe Vera. Ideally I would break off a leaf and use the inner fillet of the plant, but if I did that, it would weird out even more clients. :wink:

I suggest aloe vera too, the more natural the better. I also like the alcohol free witch hazel toner. It brings the pH of the skin quickly into balance and I suggest it after cleansing.

You mentioned that you have hyperpigmentation. For those who have this tendency, I suggest cold compresses following treatment.

Regarding your concern over slow thermolysis or superflash thermolysis - as long as your electrologist has the equipment and versatility, she will be able to determine how to provide treatment based on your skin and its reaction to treatment.

Thanks James! I will try to find a pure aloe Vera product and use that just to moisturise the area. I remember cutting an aloe plant long ago, the insides were super sticky!

Thank For the reply Arlene! My electrologist did use witch hazel gel at the end (I think). She also said about a cold compress, completely forgot about that until you mentioned it! There hasn’t been any pigmentation so far, it was only a small test patch but I will use it after the next appointment which will be an hour long!


Understand this, Aloe is not just some simple moisturizer, it actually helps the skin heal.

Thanks James, I didn’t know that, and here I was asking about a million types of products to use when aloe has it all! Your help is greatly appreciated :))

Hey Miro, think you posted in the wrong thread possibly but it’s nice to see you here, you helped me out after my first ever electrolysis consultation months ago lol. Also, the picture you posted, the previous one to that is pretty much how my stomach looks hair wise lol. When I’m brave enough I think i’ll start a diary :slight_smile: