After wax skin issue

Hello! My husband had his first back wax 2 weeks ago. Apparently his skin is very sensitive as 2 weeks after the wax it is still irritated (full or tiny red bumps/little underskin pimples). I called the waxing salon asking them if that is normal or what they suggest to do and they didn’t give any helpful information.

Any suggestions? Is his skin gonna turn back normal eventually? 2 weeks after the wax is a long time for the skin to heal but it didn’t … I have never seen such a reaction, plus the hair is already growing back -

How can I help my husband?

Thanks for any helpful suggestions.

Tea tree oil is suggested a lot for red bumps and pimples. Its an anti septic liquid with a very strong smell, but it helps to clean and soothe the area. You could also try witch hazel. Both of these will help keep the area clean and hopefully help heal the skin. typically people will use one in the morning and one at night (probably tea tree oil at night since its so stinky!)

You might also want to lightly exfoliate since the hair is growing back - you might find he also gets ingrown hairs. I’ve found there are places on my body which react really badly to waxing. It’s supposed to get better over time - e.g. the more waxes you get the less of a reaction there will be. But no one can say for sure.