Advice requested

hello all, i purchased an electrolyse ultra rf machine for self usuage and am having difficulty obtaining optimum results with both galvanic and blend techniques in that im not witnessing formation of any sodium hydroxide, am hand holding the anode and using what i thought was sufficient gel. any thoughts/suggestions. thnk you

You’re using gel for what exactly?

machine included conductive gel to apply to anode

Do you have a picture of the machine or a model number?

I smell an ebay scam device…

electrolyse automatique gvrf, purchased directly from bio avance
upon further thought, should lye be evident when using blend technique vs. galvanic?

If you bought one of these there’s a 99% chance you won’t see any results. Tweezers conducting current can’t destroy a follicle. Ive heard that they can be converted to needle and anode rod but I’m not sure how and it honestly might not be worth it. I’ve seen a couple of legit machines go up on eBay recently and Texas electrolysis has a new line of machines that look worthwhile.

that is not the model, mine def has an anode and needle

Don’t know then. Traditionally you would use a wet sponge to cover the anode rod. I’d think that a bare anode rod even with gel would leave a nasty rash. I’ve also never heard of anyone having success with a machine by ‘bio advance’.

But to try and answer your questions. When I do galvanic and/or blend (galvanic settings are usually a constant for me) I can see the lye form outside the follicle and my settings are relatively low… so maybe there’s some sort of setting you’re missing?