I’m almost 16… Ok I’m probably a lot better off than a lot of the women on here with facial hair, but I do have hair on my upper lip. In December I decided to wax it myself and in my opinion it did make it a little darker, which wasn’t so great. I let it grow back, and well, it had been bothering me ever since and I am so so so SO concious of it. When I’m with boys or wanting to get close I’m constantly worried they’d see it. I feel as though they look at it, because I see their eyes glance towards my mouth. I’m not a very happy person at the moment either, I’m pretty down, and it doesn’t make things better
So I thought why don’t I bleach it? As I heard it didn’t thicken the hair - well up until now. Anyway, so I bleached it… and a few hairs seemed to grow back really quickly on my upper lip - and they seem a bit darker/thicker than they was before <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> I’ve only bleached a few times (well a few times over the last week only on the bits that were growing back in an attempt to re-bleach them because it drove me insane to have little “black dots” from where the root was coming through. There was one really dark one that I coudln’t bear being there so I HAD to pluck it. I’m scared its going to come back worse. It made me wonder if maybe the bleach actually caused those hairs to break away causing them to come back a bit thicker/darker as they are growing back? I don’t know. It’s really distressing me…
I know I’m being kinda selfish in a way, but I’ve become kinda obsessive about thigns lately - especially this. I know we all have our different levels of tolerance of hair - and this is mine.
I was just wondering, do you think that I only FEEL as tho the hairs are coming back darker/thicker because all the other hairs are still bleached and light, not as noticeable? I’m also worried they’ll look worse as they grow out more. UGH they look really dark to me.
I’m sooo not gonna bleach again after I heard it makes the hairs thicker <img src="/ubbthreads/images/graemlins/frown.gif" alt="" /> But I don’t think I’ve bleached it enough to make the hairs go thick already (only a few times I’ve done it) So… that’s why I am confused.
I apologise… I’d just like to know your views. This site is great, and like everyone else has said - a big thank you to those who run it.
Don’t offer electrolysis or laser treatment, cos that is too extreme, plus too expensive… ahah.
If I plucked the dark hairs they would definitely get worse, right?
Ok, i’ll stop now! I would really appreciate your advice/help/views/opinion/anything?!
Thank yoooou