Hello, new here, 22, female. Heres a the situation:
I have a patch of darker terminal hairs right under my chin that started coming in about a year ago, and i also have longer / denser vellus hairs than usual on the sides of my neck that i am less concerned with but would also like to take care of eventually. I may have PCOS but still investigating, free testosterone was just high of normal range, testosterone was high but within normal, I’ve done an ultrasound and waiting on results. However my periods have always been regular and pain free and i dont seem to have any symptoms other than the hair. The darker patch i had previously been tweezing about once every 1-2 weeks, but stopped all hair removal apart from trimming 3 weeks before my first session. I have very fair skin, sunburn very easily, and dark brown hair. I get the odd pimple every now and then, but no acne or breakouts. For skincare i just use cetaphil face wash in the shower, benzac 5% on individual pimples and tea tree anti septic cream for ingrowns.
I had my first session 5 days ago for 20 minutes and felt it went well, i didn’t find it painful at all except for maybe 1 or 2 hairs (I do have a generally high pain tolerance, fine with tattoos, piercings etc). The whole area was a bit red with no particular spots or anything immediately afterwards, i would say less red than it used to be after tweezing. The electrologist has 20+ years of experience and is highly recommended with great reviews, she also has PCOS and has undergone facial electrolysis herself so overall i really trust that she knows what shes doing. She applied some aloe and gave me an ice pack to take home which i used until it melted. I then iced it on and off for the rest of the day for about 15 minutes an hour because to the touch i could still really feel the heat under my skin. I also applied some tea tree antiseptic cream when i got home and took an antihistemine and some ibuprofen, and then some pure aloe gel before bed (i noted that the aloe really burned so i didnt use that again). By the evening it had developed into red patches / blotchiness around areas where the probe went in rather than overall redness.
The next morning (48hrs) the red patches around where the probe had gone in were much redder and bumpier, with some white / yellow pustules. If i weren’t wearing a face mask anyway i definitely wouldnt have been comfortable leaving the house like this. I put tea tree cream on again in the morning and then again before bed. Also took antihistemine / ibuprofen.
The next day (72 hours) the tea tree seemed to help with the pustules, some of them had gone and no new ones formed but still a fair few of them and only ever so slightly less red. Again i would not be comfortable leaving the house without the face mask with the skin like this. I bought some witch hazel in the middle of the day and applied that followed by the tea tree. I did this once more in the day and then again before bed. Also took antihistemine / ibuprofen.
Next day (4 days since treatment) most pustules gone, barely bumpy anymore but still extremely red, it looks almost like acne or an allergic reaction. Continued using witch hazel followed by tea tree cream 3 times throughout the day and then once more before bed, took antihistemine and ibuprofen.
5 days post treatment (now) all pustules have gone and its no longer bumpy but im still covered in pretty bright red marks ( i wouldn’t say dots because theyre much bigger than hair-follicle sized scabs). I have continued with witch hazel and tea tree and antihistemine / ibuprofen. My next session is scheduled for 15 minutes 3 days from now (8 days from first session) and i have a weekend trip 2 days after that and I really cannot look like i did at 2 days post treatment this time round.
My questions are:
- Is this a normal reaction? does it look like the setting may have been too high?
- How long roughly should it take for the red marks to fade?
- Is there anything i did in my post-care that may have made it worse / anything i could or should do to improve the reaction?
- Given my first reaction, what are my chances of looking somewhat normal in time for my trip after my next session?
- I will of course consult with my electrologist, but would a lower setting produce less side effects next time? and if so what is the cost of this eg might this mean the hairs are not successfully killed?
- If its still red by next session is another session likely to make it drastically worse? i would assume so but ive also read that the effects lessen each time.
I have photographs for each time frame outline above if someone could advise me the best way to attach / post them here. Thank you if youve read this far! sorry I know its a long post
EDIT: adding photos