Advice on electrolysis between breasts

Hi everyone,

It’s me again :blush:

I have another concern regarding electrolysis in another area of my body, and would really appreciate the advice of some electrologists or experts here! The area I have some concerns about is the area between my breasts. As I mentioned in a post yesterday, I shaved this part of my body some months ago, in July, only one time. As a result I got a few little hairs, particularly in the lower part of the area, closer to the abdomen, and plenty of small dots, like signs of the underlying hair follicles, with no real visible hair from the outside. Three weeks ago I had electrolysis done in this area of the body and I was left with nothing. I suspect that some of these tiny dots where there was no visible hair were treated as well. After three weeks it seems to me that there are more tiny hairs than before in this area. Is this possible at all? Do you think that the fact of maybe treating a hair that was not really much out of the surface of the skin could have actually stimulated hair growth? I know that the electrologist was using thermolysis on an Apilus machine. I have no marks at all in this area of the body, just slight hyperpigmentation in some specific points, but really minor. And I did not feel plucking at all in this session. I felt very intensely the current and I did not feel when she removed the hair. My concern is mostly whether she might have treated hairs that were not meant to be treated, and if this could lead to coarser or simply more visible hairs. I attach a picture where you might be able to see the “tiny dots” that I’m referring to. I really don’t want these to become visible hairs, and if treating this area will result in this I will probably stop because with the few actual hairs that I have here it is not worth it for me. Hence why I’m seeking your advice. I would also like to ask if it is possible that hairs treated with electrolysis grow back longer after the first treatment for example, as this is the impression that I’m having in other areas, such as the stomach and the areolas. Thank you very much in advance for your help.

It sounds like everything is going smoothly with your treatments. I see no cause for alarm. Let me point out that “tiny dots” are part of the normal healing process and there is no such thing as “hairs that were not meant to be treated” which could “lead to coarser and more visible hairs.” Where are you getting this information? Electrolysis does NOT stimulate hair, it destroys it. I would advise sorting out the facts before proceeding further with treatments. Otherwise, you will create a situation that will become intolerable for you and your electrologist.